Big Bang Poetry

Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World

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Top 10 Reasons Why Poets are Bad Party Guests

PopAre we skinny poets because we are shunned from dinner parties? There are ten reasons why poets make infamously bad party guests, described as follows:

  1. Poets, with their proverbial "head in the clouds," tend to get pedantic over cocktails and are often accused of being disconnected from reality (behind their backs, of course) and at worst, boring. And although most poets write poetry to convince the world they’re not, in fact, boring, this is the academic version of the man insisting on the first date,“I never hit women.” It's eerie and often disconnected from reality.
  2. Two words: Pretentious and Precious. Poets foolishly think they're more interesting than they actually are or think the things they love are more interesting and valuable than those things actually are to other people. It's only fair, really. Poets don't care about the obsessions of others or think everyone else is brilliant. Why should party people return the favor?
  3. Related issue: in extreme cases poets can be insufferably arrogant, often accused of “lording their thoughts over others.” They take a posture of being better informed, better read and better able to understand the subtle nuances. They aggressively question everyone’s ideas in order to grandstand their own. This is a bad arguing posture and 9 out of 10 Playboy models would include this in their top list of turnoffs. This will not get you laid. Why would it? Who likes being shit upon? This arrognce suraces in anyone who responds to your comments with useless condescending prefaces such as “Listen my friend….” which is presumptous because you are not anybody's friend yet.
  4. Also related: poets who use obscure references in conversation in order to feel superior. I’ve seen this trick at parties and corporate meetings. You try to use complicated sentence structure and arcane words to fool others into thinking you are really saying something. Some people write entire poems this way. You may be fooling some dim bulbs in the room but not the other literates (who are probably there on the down-low) who actually know how to diagram a sentence and have figured out pretty quick that your blather doesn't contain both a subject and a predicate.  Boob.
  5. Poets love to talk; listening gives them heartburn. If this describes you, stay at home and talk to yourself. It’s a big world out there. People are having conversations. It’s not all about you.
  6. Goth drunks. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a Goth drunk but usually they only party well with other Goth drunks.
  7. Poets are known for lacking in fashion sense. I admit I have none. We have no mental energy left over for that sort of thing and most partiers will give you a pass on this. After all, they already think you are clueless.
  8. Poets are known for having a bad sense of humor. This one really hurts. Even poets who think they are pretty damn funny…in the cold light of day, they are pretty amateurish compared to the deft comedic acrobatics of our top comedic bards like Daniel Tosh or Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Hell, Mark Twain can still kick their ass with his well-crafted comedy. So I usually sound pathetic if I try to offer myself up as a funny bard. No one believes me.
  9. Poets are uncorrectable, the stubborn type of person who will read items 1-8 above and say, “Who cares about your stupid bourgeoisie parties anyway!"
  10. Poets are sensitive. After a few cold shoulders, they might make a suicidal gesture over the bannister, but not before a very wordy, rambling soliloquy.

Stereotypes? Yes. Hurtful? Yes. But as long as poets still behave this way at parties, they will continue to be unpopular and not even get invited to social gatherings in book form, which is the real sad situation.

However, we can get back on the social calendar if we take stock before every social encounter and focus on some new social tactics. As Andrea Lunsford says, Everything’s an Argument. To impress people that you are a funny, brilliant poet you need to sell your argument. And to do that you need:

  1. Mad arguing skillz
  2. Panache

Short of that, try modesty, curiosity, listening, a little itty-bit of affection for that innocent body your words are hitting.


What Barnes & Noble is Choking On

BnBah humbug but this is why I hate shopping at Christmas time. Bad retail stores.

I tried to keep things simple this year and buy everybody books. Unfortunately I live in Santa Fe. Our one chain bookstore, Borders, went out of business last year. Barnes and Noble did not come in to replace them. We are left with 3-4 very tiny independent bookstores. I love independent bookstores and I'm glad they're back. I often shop there, but they have a limited selection. Often, I'm still driven to online bookstores to get certain titles out here in Santa Fe.

I had a list of 10 books it would take a big store to fill. So my husband and I drove over an hour to get to our nearest Barnes & Noble in Albuquerque. Barnes and Noble only had one book on my list, ONE! And these weren't obscure books. They were Anne Perry mysteries my mom wanted, a Mad Magazine book my nephew wanted, teen fantasy. In the late 1990s I would have been overwhelmed with selections. But Friday night I spent over an hour trying to hunt down anything to give as alternatives and left completely frustrated.

Big bookstores are constantly complaining they have no room for all the books published today. Even non-fiction and novels get a short lifespan on big bookstore shelves. If they don't sell in a few weeks, they're sent packing.

But that isn't the whole story. My husband and I took an inventory of the real estate in the Albuquerque Barnes and Noble. Large sections were taken up by:

  1. The deserted coffee shop
  2. The deserted kids playground upstairs
  3. The large section of crap gifts (bookmarks, book lights, journals, etc.)
  4. The obligatory B&N section consisting of five aisles of discount books and books Barnes and Noble produces. And even the selection here has gotten crappier over the years (you can only give a sushi-making kit to your best friend so many times).

In this store, the real estate for actual normal books was, we figured, little over half the entire floor. I told my story to five people. Bar none, they all said to me, "why don't you just get what you want on Amazon?" Why indeed did I even bother going to Barnes and Noble?


Writing Poems with William Shatner

There's a great new iPhone App called Shatoetry.You can use it to create poetry William Shatner reads back. You have some rudimentary control over his enunciation and pauses but the word choices are slim. I wasn't able to have Shatner actually read one of my poems (not even a couplet or haiku). But I did create this surreal piece of randomness to test it out:


It's like magnetic poetry: you have to work with the words you've got.  The makers of the App Shatoetry promise more words are coming soon. The ultimate would be to get Shatner to read one of your own poems.


Reading More Poetry to Things That Don’t Care…NYC Trip

My husband and I spent NYC in Thanksgiving. I tried to read poetry to things but I was pretty distracted by food, art and bright shinny objects. I did manage to snap a few shots while I was up in Yonkers, NY, visiting my old abodes (one nice basement apartment in a the cul de sac of an Italian community and one slum apartment near the Hudson river).

IMG_8034Mary McCray reading poetry to a courtyard waterfall in NYC. The waterfall says "I can't hear you!" So annoying.  (2012, photo by John McCray)



IMG_8455Mary McCray reading poetry to the ruins of Greystone Mansion in Yonkers, New York. The stone mansion would rather fall into decay then hear poems by Mary McCray.  (2012, photo by John McCray)


IMG_8451Mary McCray reading poetry to the ruins of the old Aqueduct in Yonkers, New York. The tower is protected from good verse by a fortress of gang graffiti.  (2012, photo by John McCray)



IMG_8453Mary McCray reading poetry to the Fall leaves on the old Aqueduct trail in Yonkers, New York. The leaves would not lay silently even for a haiku.  (2012, photo by John McCray)



See the full set of things that don't care about poetry


How to Use Kickstarter to Help Poets

KickstarterI recently joined my first Kickstarter campaign. I found out about it on Linked In. Filmmakers were looking for micro-funding for a film about the life of New Mexican poet Jimmy Santiago Baca. I had just bought his collected poems at a book shop in Las Vegas, New Mexico. I love his descriptions of the streets of New Mexico, his experiences in prison and his political poems about ethnicity and class.

For as little as $25.00 I could help and become a part of the film A Place to Stand, "a documentary about Jimmy Santiago Baca’s transformation from nearly illiterate convict to award-winning poet."

For your donation, you usually get a free copy of the project results (in this case a DVD of the film) or more, depending upon the level of your donation.

See this project's Kickstarter page:

If you want to support poetry projects on Kickstarter, visit and search 'poetry' or 'poet' or 'poet documentary will get you into film projects. Hunt around in there. It's fun and it does some good out there.

Why Joan Didion Writes Poetry

JoandiddionLook at that…this old picture of Joan Didion has a picture of that Georgia O'Keeffe cloud painting in the background. Huh.

My husband and I just spent Thanksgiving in New York City. I hadn't been there for years (ever since I moved to LA in the spring 2002 after deciding not to move back to NYC after 9/11). I missed the Christmas-ness of the city, the bagels, the pizza, a knish from a food truck…and good Chinese food. So we had Thanksgiving dinner at Hop Kee restaurant in Chinatown. We also saw The Book of Mormon (hilarious and thought-provoking) on Broadway, the Katharine Hepburn costome show (loved it!) at the NYC Public Library of Performing Arts and the African Burial Ground National Momument (somber and important monument; usually when you talk about proper regard for a culture's human remains you think of Native Americans, but this moment shows how African Americans struggle with similar treatment and how they make maybe different choices on how their cultural remains should be treated).

For the trip I borrowed the book Blue Nights by Joan Didion from my local library for airplane reading. I first heard of Joan Didion when I was at Sarah Lawrence. Fellow students loved her writing and how she handled "place" when talking about New York City and Los Angeles. I had never been to Los Angeles and it all sounded too high-brow for me so I avoided her. Then I moved to Los Angeles and had the opportunity to read her book Where I Was From and then I understood what everyone was so gaga about. I read everything Didion I could get my hands on, the ultimate book being The Year of Magical Thinking about the illness of her daughter and sudden death of her husband, fellow LA/NYC writer John Gregory Dunne.

Blue Nights picks up where Year of Magical Thinking leaves off, with the eventual death of her only child. In fact, the books should probably be read together. In Blue Nights, Didion is left alone and ailing and she recounts more of her memories from Los Angeles and NYC as they pertain to motherhood in the 1960s and 70s. This is a short book…maybe 168 pages so I never could bring myself to pay the near $30 price when the book first came out.

But Didion does an amazing thing in those 168 pages. She essentially writes a very long poem stringing together her mourning over the death of her family with her fear of dying. Lines are repeated over and over like a kind of obsessed villanelle, but one that is drawn out almost to transparency. You keep asking yourself, what do these two things have in common, dying and mourning (are they slapped together arbitrarily?). In the last half-page of the book, Didion tells you why, quite amazingly and beautifully, laying down the hammer in the very final line. It's masterful. And if it aint poetry…nothing else is.


My First Book Review

This was sincerely exciting for me and I am now no longer a book-review virgin.

Read the full review by Devin McGuire, Assistant Editor of the Aurorean.


“Why Photographers Commit Suicide” is a book of poetry for our times…McCray takes a humanistic approach and deftly plays upon themes of fear, loneliness, and loss, things the early American settlers faced in large proportion as well…

I think what is so special about this book is that not only does it entertain the imagination with futuristic vision but also for every time it takes us and leads us to the existential abyss, prickling our fears and anxieties, it also takes that idea, mirrors, and thrusts it against all the celestial objects of the universe. Here we have stars and planets personified, acting out the baser human emotions and acts of sex-lust, lost loves, and betrayals, dealing with their own fears and anxieties about loss and the ultimate end, a sort of cosmic soap opera that mimics the natural flux and flow of the universe.The effect is strange and familiar at the same time. We relate to all of this cosmic collision. McCray just offers us a different kind of telescope to view these things. Her language is rich and daringly playful, and her sense of poetic rhythm is excellent. A good poem shows its weight in worth when read aloud. These poems sound great aloud.  If a poet can strike upon the heart, the mind, and the ear all at the same time, something which Mary McCray has done here, then the poet is getting the job done."

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