Charles Baudelaire Review, 1953
"In a hundred years the histories of French literature will only mention (this work) as a curio."
Emile Zola, Emile Zola
Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World
For decades I've loved horror movies. Not slashers, not torture movies, not flimsy excuses for violence against women, but good old fashioned haunted house movies.
In high school, we loved the amusement park-like adrenalin rush. But over the years, and before the meta-horror movies like Scream and Scary Movie, I began to see that horror movies were their own forms. Like westerns particularly, these genres have rules and structure. The filmmakers who break the rules well usually turn out to be those who know and understand the rules. Just like writing in poetry forms.
For the last two decades I've been discouraged by masochistic, misogynistic horror movies like Saw and misfires like Paranormal Activity and Insidious and the bleak Japanese-inspired films like The Ring. Two years ago I wrote an Open Letter to the Horror Movie industry on I Found Some Blog by Cher Scholar. I missed the architecture of a good ole ghost story, which is not an easy story to pull off. It takes an understanding of tone and timing. Horror movies are filled with tried and true tricks. It takes an artist to make some old gotchas work.
Which is why I love the new movie The Conjuring. Some above C-list actors, an artful set and costuming, deft direction and some newly formulated scares make this a strong example of its form.
I want to take a break and talk about ways of being as a poet. One of the things that gets me down from time to time is the negativity festering in any circle of creative people, poets, filmmakers, studio artists.
If you run a website, you get a lot of spam. Here is a piece of classic spam I received on Big Bang Poetry's blog before I added CAPTCHA to my commenting procedures.
I'm impressed, I must say. Actually rarely to I encounter a blog that is both educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. Your notion is outstanding; the issue is something that not sufficient individuals are speaking intelligently about. I'm extremely happy that I stumbled across this in my search for some thing related to this. Michael Kores.
Wow, Michael Kores took the time to be so vague about my deep thoughts! Alas, spam disguised as false flattery is very bad energy. It's a waste of everyone's time (who buys shoes from a link on a blog comment?), and it's pandering to our endless hunger for compliments. And failing miserably to boot. So it's bad marketing and it's bad flattery. And it's a jerky thing to do. I wrote a poem about this spam for NaPoWriMo.
Last week, I finished the first draft to my next book of poems. And as I'm re-tooling and re-configuring, I'm also wondering (with some trepidation) where I can go for some good feedback. Commonly you turn to your trusted readers, your friends. I'm going to a "writing sequester" in a week and a half in Phoenix, Arizona. Two writer friends are coming from Los Angeles and my cousin is coming from Alaska so we can all meet, write and talk about our writing projects.
My husband and I have been discussing being friends with artists, getting encouragement for your work, giving encouragement to others and the psychology of the age we're living in. I'm going to talk more about this later. I have a theory about this age of artists and what our legacy will most likely be (stay tuned for that).
This all came up because my husband, Monsieur Bang Bang, the archaeologist, has been working as a historical consultant for a new television comedy western called Quick Draw. He spent years as a TV writer in LA and two of his best friends are television actors. He's been involved with successful projects of his own and also projects that didn't get picked up. He's been through the whole production process and the gamut of emotions that ensues. He also knows how hard it is to get anything made and on the air.
Not only did Quick Draw get picked up but it's first few episodes are very funny, testing on the show went great and the show is full of enthusiastic guest stars like Frangela, Tim Bagley and the band Eagles of Death Metal. So who knows how it will all turn out but you hope as you go along with any proejct, you'll get encouragement from your friends. It's interesting to me how often you're disappointed.
It seems to be human nature to secretly want your friends to fail. Ultimately, their success reflects on you. These feelings rob you of any potential enthusiasm. I've gone through this myself when former classmates succeed. I see my former classmates go through this, too. Monsieur Bang Bang reminds me that success can also bring to you a bad form of false flattery, people who want favors. That's like it's own kind of spam.
When I started this project of Big Bang Poetry, I decided I would channel one of Oprah's big lessons: consider your intent in everything you do. Are your intentions good or bad? This idea has clarified my entire approach to poetry, all my projects and even my relationships. I used to fret about how my relationships were going. I used to second guess all that I said or did. All this anxiety has disappeared for me because I constantly know what my intent is and I try to keep it positive. I may be misunderstood from time to time but I'm walking forward with a positive intent. And I'm at peace with that.
This means I'm not trashing schools of poetry, I'm trying not to make snide remarks about other artists (sometimes this is hard because snarkiness can be some bitchy fun), and I tap into my enthusiastic support for all my friends and fellow artists. Honestly, it is there; it's just buried under knee-jerk jealousy.
This, like any other way of being, takes practice. You'll start to notice when you support your friends with their projects, you'll get silence back from them on yours. Then you have to decide for yourself how to handle that. I do believe the cumulative amount of good intent you put out into the universe will come back to you. Negative people tend to get negative returns. It's classic karma.
And yes, bad things happen to good people. But I believe karma stretches over many lifetimes and you must do what you can with the life you've been given (thanks Gandalf).
Bottom line: if you want to be at peace with yourself as a creative person among other creative persons, practice generous feelings toward them. Sometimes I get a little bummed and wonder who I can share my success stories with (few as they are at the moment). I want encouragement from friendly artists and I think ultimately that's what want that from me. Finding each other is part of the whole process of being human.
I just finished In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. It took Monsieur Big Bang and me 15 months to read all 7 books. Oy! I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
Monsieur Big Bang was a Proust Scholar back when he got his B.A. in French many lifetimes ago. So he had read Proust at least once in French, many of the books twice or three times in French. This was his first time reading them in English. I had been badgering him to read them again with me ever since I've known him. He kept saying he was over it. Then he read the Proust section in a book I left in the bathroom: Writer's Gone Wild by Bill Preschel. He came out of the bathroom and announced he was ready to read Proust with me. And so we did.
I loved reading Proust, particularly the gayness. And I'm not talking about the homosexual characters and their foibles. I'm talking about Proust's very gay sense of humor and sense of obsession. Proust, where have you been all my life?
Anyway, reading the books led me to re-evaluate my avoidance of French poets. When I finished my international anthologies, I started to read Modern Poets of France, translated by Louis Simpson, a book sent to me by a friend a few years back. The poets range from Hugo to Robert Desnos, with three to six poems each and extensive biographies in the back of the book. In the bios there were actually references to Proust, how he found the name of Albertine from poet Marceline Debordes-Valmore. Poet Philippe Soupault remembers staying in Cabourg when Proust was there, Proust later to dub it his Balbec.
So I tried to get attached to these French poems afresh with an open mind. What a miserable failure. Aside from the poet-political associations I made with Apollinaire, (which I'll get into next week), all the poems sounded the same. I had to figure this was due to the flat monosyllabic language of Louis Simpson. This is a good example of how the spirit of a translator can imbue a poem. I knew something was up when I got to the Baudelaire poems. The first book of poems I ever purchased (in my adulthood) from City Books in St. Louis, MO, was Joanna Richardson's translations of Baudelaire (rock singer John Waite referenced "The Albatross" in an interview). I still love this book. Baudelaire's word-set (even in French) is decadent and lush. I believe this is my issue with Simpson's translations: can a translator put more into a translation than the sum or habit of his own vocabulary?
Some comparisons:
First two stanzas from "Correpondances"/"Correspondences"
La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers
Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles;
L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles
Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers.Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent
Dans une ténébreuse et profonde unité,
Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté,
Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se répondent.— Charles Baudelaire
Nature's a temple where the pilasters
Speak sometimes in their mystic languages;
Man reaches it through symbols dense as trees,
That watch him with a gaze familiar.As far-off echoes from a distance sound
In unity profound and recondite,
Boundless as night itself and as the light
Sounds, fragrances and colours correspond.— Joanna Richardson
Nature is a temple. The columns are
Alive and sometimes vaguely seem to talk;
There are symbols in the forests where we walk
That watch us, and they seem familiar.As echoes in the distance come together
Mysteriously and merge and sound as one,
Vast as night and shining like the dawn,
Perfumes, colors, sounds speak to each other.— Louis Simpson
I felt sometimes the translations held different meanings. See this stanza from "Hymne à la Beauté"/"Hymn to Beauty":
Tu contiens dans ton oeil le couchant et l'aurore;
Tu répands des parfums comme un soir orageux;
Tes baisers sont un philtre et ta bouche une amphore
Qui font le héros lâche et l'enfant courageux.— Charles Baudelaire
Your eyes contain the dawn and the crepuscule,
You scatter fragrance like a stormy eve,
Your mouth's an amphora, your kiss a phial
Which makes the hero shy, the infant brave.— Joanna Richardson
Your glance is sunset and the rising sun,
Your perfumes like a storm fill the night air.
Your kisses are magic. This love potion
Makes heroes tremble and boys bravely dare.— Louis Simpson
Passive language, his flat, generic nouns. All the poems in the anthology read this way so Mallarmé and Verlaine and Rimbaud all sounded the same. Have I really read them yet? I don't feel I have.
I dug out my college Poulin poetry textbook. Do we all have a Poulin anthology? The Contemporary American Poetry tome that I never crack open. But here I went to read some Louis Simpson.
I feel his poems, like "Hot Night on Water Street," make big gestures with elemental detail. But I think this is kind of his style, unembellished and stripped. Fine. But should he bring that to his translations? I was interested in his conversations with Walt Whitman in "Walt Whitman at Bear Mountain."
Where are you, Walt?
The Open Road goes to the used-car lot."Where is the nation you promised?
All that grave weight of America
Cancelled! Like Greece and Rome.
The future in ruins!
I'm not sure if Simspon is unhappy with America or free verse or a political conflation of the two. Which is the problem I always have with nostalgic, new formalists (Modern Poets of France was published by Story Line Press). It's the old cycle. Contemporaries, Herman Melville was fretting about the state of his modern world in Moby Dick while Walt Whitman was celebrating it in Leaves of Grass. In the book Why Read Moby Dick, Nathaniel Philbrick describes the historical, cultural setting through the eyes of Melville: "Racial strife, impending [Civil] war, the challenges for a writer 'pulled hither and thither by circumstances,' as Melville wrote to Hawthorne in June of 1851, all played a part in the writing of his novel…Melville condemned as a weakness in the thinking of his contemporaries, the romantic Transcendentalists." This binary is so threadbare. I believe that if Walt Whitman were alive today, he's still be celebrating America and his free verse.
Bottom line: when reading translations, search for alternatives and compare them. Then seek out the poetry of the translators. As Ozzy Osbourne would say, it's like goin off the rails on a crazy train.
Today, searching for my blog pic above (Champs Elysee by Antoine Blanchard) I found some sweet Proust links:
It's been a while since I've done a news and link roundup so I have some good stuff:
Poetry Used for Good and Evil
The Automated Poetry Critic
How can you tell the difference? Ha! (Knee slap.) A program has been designed to pare out the professional poets from the amateurs: Poetry Assessor! I
just put my favorite poem in there (by a somewhat controversial poet)
and it spit back a score of 3.2! I couldn't get the evaluating PDF up for a justification on that outrage. Put your favorite poem in there and tell me what you get.
Tips from the Dead & The I-Thought-They-Were Dead
Check Into It
"Arnold is a dandy Isaiah, a poet without passion, whose verse, written in surplice, is for freshmen and for gentle maidens who will be wooed to the arms of these future rectors."
George Meredith, Fortnightly Review
I am now having a hard time not imagining all those gentle maidens scrambling to drag their fingernails through those side-burn forests. I was so impressed with them, I added Arnold to my Pinterist page of Poets with Sexy Hair.
"Mr. Auden himself has presented the curious case of a poet who writes an original poetic language in the most robust English tradition but who seems to have been arrested in the mentality of an adolescent schoolboy."
Edmund Wilson, The Shores of Light
I know, that's what I like about him!
And what a face. Try to carve that in glass, Paul J. Nelson.
Judging by the 2.00 sticker on the spine, I found this book at the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, annual library book sale over 11 years ago. I opted for their "all the books you can stuff into a paper bag for $10" special and came out with many old books such as this, 50 Contemporary Poets, The Creative Process edited by Alberta T. Turner.
Have you ever loved reading a book so much you slowed down the reading of it to make it last longer? I did that with this book from 1977. Turner sent 100 poets a questionnaire to help poets describe their process writing one of their poems. Fifty poets complained that such an endeavor was impossible (imagine a mechanic saying that) or they were too busy (understandable) and fifty others were game.
Says the last poet, David Young:
"I'm aware as I finish this (more fun that I thought it would be) that my discussion in unlikely to change anybody's mind or affect anyone's judgement. To those who dislike the poem, a consideration of its writing at this length can only be ludicrous and vain. But to acknowledge in more words and detail than one has ever used before the intricacy of a process that is painful, joyful, mysterious, and absorbing requires a kind of honesty and patience that may bring a measure of satisfaction both to writer and reader."
I'll say. This book is fantastic on many levels.
I believe this is an out-of-print book but I see many used copies to be found. Enthusiastically recommended!
Last Friday I met my cousin at a Santa Fe used bookshop going out of business (he refuses to sell online, via mail and his prices were too high). I did buy a stack of books there, a biography of Marcel Proust, a book of celebrity poetry (to be reviewed here later) and two books called Rotten Reviews which are flabbergastic gold! I'll cull out the poets for you.
The first review I found was for Sylvia Plath's book The Bell Jar from 1971:
"Highly autobiographical and…since it represents the views of a girl enduring a bout of mental illness, dishonest."
Atlantic Monthly
I'm gonna love these.
I can't tell you of many good literary rags from St. Louis, Missouri. Although I lived there for almost two decades (1977-1995), I was not connected in to the literary scene. I could tell you all the animal welfare organizations I used to belong to, however, from my futile and depressing animal rights involvements when I was 21. The only holdover of literariness I still receive from St. Louis is the literary review belle lettres from Washington University, the university Tennessee Williams attended.
Notably, we didn't study Tennessee Williams in either high school or college in St. Louis. I assumed this was because he was controversially gay and plays like Suddenly Last Summer (I only saw the movie but it was brilliant) were often gay. We did read plenty of depressing Russian authors so it couldn't have been his sense of tragedy. We also studied T. S. Eliot briefly; but only briefly because he was, after all, an ex-patriot and therefore an anti-midwestern snob. But we still were forced to read "Love Song of J. Alfred Profrock" before we were ripe for it. Why no class in Tennessee Williams at the University of Missouri?
Anyway, belle lettres just reviewed the new book on Williams, My Friend Tom, by William Jay Smith who was in a casual university group with Williams called The Poetry Factory. Smith makes a compelling argument that Williams (due to his descriptions, stage directions and early poems), was more of a poet than a playwright and that his final, experimental plays have been misread and his entire oeuvre should be reconsidered as poetry. The book reviewer (and Wash U professor of drama and comparative literature) agrees, which is a significant enough opinion for me to jump on board with that.
Unfortunately I have been felled temporarily by a flare-up of my carpel tunnel so I can't type much here today.
I did want to mention that a few weekends ago I went with my friend MaryAnne to see an artist give a talk with the New Mexico Glass Alliance. The artist was Paul J. Nelson. To the left is one of his many amazing portraitures in glass…the face of George Orwell.
I found his talk about his concept-making very inspiring and invigorating. He talked about his influences from everything to wall street, the forms and funcions of tools, to authors and other glass-makers. He talked about wanting to lure something out of the viewers imagination with his pieces.
It bears mentioning that sometimes you need to listen to artists working in other art forms to see your art in new and exciting ways, to see how artists working in other mediums are using form, metaphor and symbols.
Unfortunately Paul J. Nelson has a very limited web presence and this George Orwell piece was the only thing I could find. Hopefully, more pieces will pop up on-line someday.
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