Big Bang Poetry

Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World

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Craft in May: Working with a Thesaurus

RogetsI'm working on the second draft of my next book of poems and was back to using my old Thesaurus (my copy looks like the one far left).

This got me to thinking about how I use different kinds these days and which ones are better than others.

The big black one to the left is the copy my dad bought me when I was about 16 years old and needed one for writing poems in high school. Definitely this one is the best and not because it has the most words. I suppose electronic versions probably have 85-95% of the same words.

The book version is better because it forces you to scan over so many other words before you get to the word you're trying to find.

I do some composing in Microsoft Word: essays and quick poems like the ones I've done for NaPoWriMo. In these situations you need a very quick and efficient thesaurus. You don’t have time for the big black book. You are less particular.

When I am looking for something more particular, I'll use the online site Rhyme Zone.  I use this site primarily for finding rhymes quickly. But it also has a thesaurus. I'll go here if MS Word fails me.

But the best poems get the big book. This book is musky, dog-eared and pieces of the paperback cover have fallen off. The strength of the book is all about the detour. Using the book slows you down. This gives you time to think more about your missing word. You constantly bump into alternate words. You're quickly judging all the other words in the vicinity.

Great poems are made by detours. The irony of poetry is that poems are not about efficiency. They're about what the detours help you find.


A Book About Making Addresses and Poetry eBooks

KochI just finished New Addresses by Kenneth Koch (2000). This was my first  poetry eBook. Reading it gave me insight into how to improve my own eBook, especially in regards to page breaks.

I also now have plenty of thoughts about my Kindle Paperwhite.

I bought a faux-leather cover for mine. It really helps make the book feel tactile. I bend back the cover and run a finger along the edge.

I'm a heavy marginalia-maker and highlighter. It's hard to use an eBook highlighter and note-creator. Notes are connected to the text but saved separately. You access them as one entire list with links back to the text. Slightly cumbersome in that it takes a step or two to connect the two mentally.

Highlighting is kludge. Sometimes you have to try a few times with your index finger to highlight all the words you want. Sometimes it takes 3-4  taps. It makes you appreciate the technological brilliance of a pen rolling its ball over paper. So much easier. And notes on a piece paper are actually easier to access and to read.

However, these issues aren't a deal-breaker for me. The eReader isn't so cumbersome that I'm willing to give up eBook technology. Changes in tools take some time to adjust your habits around. They take a mental switch. eBooks are cheaper and you get them faster and they save paper. I’ll still be using them for poetry books I don’t intend to collect on a shelf or for books I might not otherwise buy due to the expense.

As for the book itself, New Addresses had to grow on me. It was a strange experience of not getting it for the first third of the book. Then I got it suddenly, somewhere around the poem "To Jewishness." All the poems are direct addresses to concepts like Jewishness or the French language or testosterone or driving. Once I got it, I really got it and liked almost every poem.  

The poem addressed to all his old address made me want to try this entire scheme next year for my NaPoWriMo project.


Treadmilling to Poetry Podcasts

PodcastI've been trying to get on my treadmill more often and struggling to find entertaining ways to keep myself on the thing.

Last week I caught up on some poetry podcasts. It really makes the time go quicker but it's difficult to scribble down notes while walking.

Recently (10/29/2013) the PBS NewsHour podcast interviewed Billy Collins. They quoted him as saying, "the problem with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry." 

BillycollinsWow. I'm going to find it harder to defend him now when my other poetry compadres attack him for being a sell-out. I don't think he is but I guess he's a stage hog. Implicit in that comment is the belief that there’s not enough room for the likes of all of us. We're all the “more guppies crowding up the fish tank.” He did have something interesting to say about Alice Fulton’s. He said she put the fun back in profundity.

Recommended: I just subscribed to the podcast of The Missouri Review and listened to the episode interviewing the editors of Electric Literature who also publish a free online journal called "Recommended Reading" that is updated every Wednesday. They talk about the future of online journals and how they compile their recommended list of fiction and what they look for in new work (stories that pop versus preciousness). They say there's and "endless crop of great work" out there.

Not Recommended: I tried listening to an episode of a podcast called The Broad Pod but I didn’t like it. This is mostly readings of science fiction by women.

AnthonyHighly Recommended: Indie Feed continues to please. The 4/28 episode interviews British poet Anthony Anaxagorou. View his site:

Recommended: The 1/19 episode of PBS NewsHours podcast was about physicians who embrace poetry. This reminded me of the Scottish Poetry Library's project to provide poets to doctors. This podcast interviewed a doctor in Boston and doctor/poet Raphael Compo about his new book, Alternative Medicine. View his site at:

They talk about how metaphorical language is used by both poets and doctors who need to communicate complicated issues with patients. Doctors also use poetry to reconnect with the feelings of their clients.

I love any discussion of poetry being used for practical purposes, such as helping doctors reconnect with their own practice.


Poems in Pop Culture: TV and Movies

Spencer Gertrude  








 Is it me or is Gertrude Stein the doppelganger of Spencer Tracy?

BirdbyLast few weekends I spent a lot of time with movies and TV dealing with writers and poets.

Bird By Bird with Annie Lamott (1999) is a great documentary, whether or not you've read the book Bird by Bird. Like the book, the joys of this movie experience are indescribable. Lamott is a generous and smart teacher and this movie captures her unique and painful life story.

The DVD even includes a full lecture from a writing festival and is packed with good advice.

I continue to be inspired by her and her way of conceptualizing the work of writing.

HandgI also caught the 2012 HBO movie Hemmingway & Gelhorn. What a huge cast: Clive Owen, Nicole Kidman, Tony Shalhoub, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich, Robert Duvall,  Parker Posey, David Strathairn, Peter Coyote, and Jeffrey Jones (unaccredited).

Monsieur Big Bang is always distressed to witness our never-ending fascination with the pig-tempered Ernest Hemmingway. So I had to watch this movie alone. This even though we both loved the book A Moveable Feast because we stayed in the neighborhood of Paris in 2007 where the events took place.  We each even bought our own copy. I also enjoyed the novel about the same relationship, The Paris Wife by Paula McLain.

Hemmingway is always good for some controversial declarations about writers. Clive Owen does a good job with him. They even show many scenes of Hemmingway typing his novels and reports from Spain standing instead of sitting. He gives Gelhorn advice like “sit down at your typewriter and bleed” and “get in the ring and throw some punches for what you believe in.” and “the best writers are liars” and “there are no sides; there’s only the past and the future.”


Fakehandg Realhandg





The fake Hemmingway & Gelhorn; the real Hemmingway & Gelhorn 

PoetryreadingOne of my new favorite shows is USA's Playing House. The show is billed as similar to the movie Bridesmaids. Like the movie, the show portrays the complicated relationship between best girlfriends. Unlike the movie, these girls are former "mean girls" making amends in their adult lives.

The episode "Unfinished Business," (watch the full episode at:,p0,d0), has some very funny scenes around poets and poetry.

One of the girls is having issues with her mother, played by Jane Kaczmarek. She finds out her mom has been giving poetry readings and she attends one at the local bookstore. The audience gives "snaps for the creators" instead of applause.  The mother reads her poetry under the pseudonym of Phylicia Rashad without knowing this is the name of the actress from The Cosby Show. 

She's given the introduction that she makes "William Butler Yeats sound like a bent-over simpleton." Her reading of "Chinese Dumpling That Has Left the Bowl" is hilariously dramatic. In retaliation her daughter joins the poetry workshop under the name of  Tempestt Bledsoe and gives her own slam-delievered response poem. One workshop attendee comments that her "delivery stole focus from her words" and we see how hard it is for her to hear criticisms.

In the final scene, their workshop leader reads a poem under the name of Malcolm-Jamal warner. He gives a German-experimental/slam reading for the two girlfriends. He declares, "It’s not done" when one of them tries to snap too early. She says she'd rather eat a man eating another man’s face off than endure any more of the experimental poetry.

GbudPlaying House makes playful fun of poetry culture. The Grand Budapest Hotel, directed by Wes Anderson, elevates poetry to heroic status.

The hotel's concierge is played by Ralph Fiennes and the character loves romantic-era poetry and recites it throughout the film. He even bequeaths his collection of books to his protégée. Although he’s a typically quirky Wes Anderson character, he and his protégée are the films unquestionable heroes and reciting poetry for them is part of their hilarious and heroic journey.

There's already a website dedicated to how poetry is used in the film. It's called "What Wes Anderson's Grand Budapest Hotel can teach us about poetry:

It’s how Anderson uses poetry in this film that tells us something about how poetry functions…Incidentally, all of the poems in the film – which are admittedly parodic, though often quite arresting – were scripted by Anderson himself.

Early in the film, Monsieur Gustave H. (Ralph Fiennes) – concierge of the Grand Budapest Hotel – catalogues his meager possessions: “a set of ivory-backed hair brushes and my library of romantic poetry”. In fact, the library of romantic poetry is so dear to him that he seems to have committed the whole lot to memory, and takes great pleasure indulging in its recital despite it often falling on deaf ears and rolled eyes. This part of the film is filled with all the decadence and complacency of any first act – but drama is only around the corner. The function of poetry in these early scenes is fairly simple. Some small event happens and M. Gustave is reminded of a verse, which sets him off wistfully into recital – the way certain grandparents might launch into The Man from Snowy River if you don’t tread lightly. The words don’t seem to have much living meaning for M. Gustave, except that he seems to remember a time when they did, and revisits them for nostalgia’s sake.

But soon – and without giving anything away – M. Gustave and his lobby boy, Zero (Tony Revolori), are thrust (as you might expect) into a plot. And here M. Gustave’s poetry begins to serve a different function. As the characters progress through a series of escalating plot arcs, certain lines from his favourite poems surface. In brief moments of introspective calm, M. Gustave takes stock of his dire situation, is reminded of a verse, and begins again to recite out loud. However, the lines are now delivered with more intensity. The relationship between the on-screen drama and the words is palpable. Some cataclysmic event, an injustice or an act of violence, brings these words to mind, and he recites them not with a sense of nostalgia, but in total awe. This is the film’s first lesson in poetics: poems are things that make order out of chaos. They are a way of making sense. A poem read in slippers is not the same as when recited on the permafrost of some desolate wasteland. A poem read in the bath is not the same as one recalled in the face of injustice, brutality or war.

These moments of epiphany don’t last long. M. Gustave is doomed never to finish a poem because every time he pauses to reflect on the events that have led him to some brief moment of respite, some other catastrophe catches up with the pair, and the frenzied pace of the adventure resumes. The very act of pausing to make room for poetry allows the plot to catch up with its protagonists, and thrusts them back into the fray. This device is used to such great effect that the introduction of poetry into a scene takes on a role usually fulfilled by foreboding music – the audience learns that poetry spells trouble. This is the second lesson: poems are words so precisely chosen that they can provoke the hand of fate. Poems dare events to happen. In giving shape to past experience, they also disrupt the flow of future events, or at least the way they are perceived and the way we react to this perception. They are epochal in the truest sense of the word, and also transitory. And this provides us also with the third and final lesson: that poems are as relevant today as they ever were. Reflecting on M. Gustave, Zero as an old man describes him as being from a time that was over before he was born – the imputation being that Gustave’s world of poems and words and ivory-backed hair brushes was anachronistic even in the first half of the twentieth century. But these words shouldn’t be taken at face value, because  here we are, talking about Wes Anderson’s use of poetry as a diegetic film device. The function of poetry is always changing, always finding new ways to filter experience. I don’t think anyone has used it quite like this before.


Bob’s Burgers and Bad Poetry

Bobsb Episode 4/27/14 – The Kids Run Away (watch it on Hulu)

Louise (in rabbit ears, left) runs away from the dentist office and seeks refuge at Aunt Gall (played by Megan Mullally). Her mother hopes Aunt Gall will drive them nuts (and thus home) with her invented board games and poetry readings.

The nerdy aunt wears a fanny pack all day among other idiosyncrasies and her boobs hang down to her waist (see below).

On the show she reads the following poems:




Happy Things We Should Send Into Space

A jar of mayo
magazine clippings of Scott Baio
that song that starts with Day-O

 And another poem goes like this:

Little cat, you’re just like me
you go outside and squat to pee


I’m not done.


The end.

Louise then asks to read the rest of her poems in private so she won't disturb any one when she says,

“mmmmm” Auntg


“well put”


They're making fun of poetry readings. And it was a great episode.


Some Results of National Poetry Month


Savvy Verse and Wit again published some interesting blog posts during their April National Poetry Month blog tour. Here are some of the highlights:

April 12

View the entire schedule

I finished my second year of NaPoWriMo with a series of "30 Poems About Language" that should be retitled "30 Poems About Languageers"'

Meet a fellow NaPoWriMo distance runner this year and found 5-6 new followers, which is saying something since these poems were pretty experimental and/or didactic. The poem "It Takes 2 to B Happy" was the only trending poem this year. Half of them received likes.  Monsieur Big Bang liked two that no one else liked interestingly. Most of the poems incorporate a few famous aphorisms.

Here are the poems:

  1. Tea 
  2. Threatening to Write 
  3. The Treachery of Meaning 
  4. Sonnet Made of Cottonwood 
  5. Chinese Medicine 
  6. Rome 
  7. Wearing a Welcome 
  8. It's Not What You Say; It's How You Mark it Up 
  9. Self Portrait 
  10. “Writers” 
  11. Who Says? 
  12. A Didactic 
  13. Before the Spell 
  14. Stealing Labor 
  15. Midway 
  16. Caves 
  17. Expressing Ownership 
  18. The Proverbial Porch 
  19. The Bosque 
  20. The Plastic Egg 
  21. She Was Offended by the Day of the Dead 
  22. Through Us 
  23. Every Bird 
  24. Barking Dogs Seldom Bite 
  25. Let Them Have Their Say 
  26. To Know 
  27. Live and Let Learn
  28. It Takes 2 to B Happy 
  29. Honor Among Thieves
  30. Man Can't Live By Poems Alone 
  31. An unpublished coda about Thomas Adorno

All my NaPoWriMo poems since 2013 can be found here:


May Craft: A Book of Fragments About the Mind of Poetry

CoolingtimeMy friend Ann sent me the book Cooling Time, An American Poetry Vigil by C.D. Wright about 4 or 5 years ago when I still lived in Redondo Beach, California. I couldn’t break into it. I got three pages in and then put it back on the shelf.

Then last fall I took a MOOC on Modern American Poetry and subsequently I read My Emily Dickinson by Susan Howe. Learning to read through the pathways of fragments did the trick and I was able to then re-approach Cooling Time. In fact, I liked it better than My Emily Dickinson. It was more personal, more practical and the fragments and artwork felt more organic to me. Wright reviews poets, talks about the infighting between poetry "schools."

The book is also sprinkled with seemingly random theories about the art of poetry. Her vocabulary is challenging but not impenetrable.

This was one of those small books that took me forever to read because I had to take it slow, but enjoying it all the way. Deep thoughts for advanced poets.

Here is an excerpt about the experimental craft she describes in the work of Erin Mourē:

Punctuating to the max: she ironizes words and phrases with quotation marks, quotes directly; changes point sizes and font styles, shifts back and forth between French and English. Jarringly she capitalizes and de-caps, deploys ampersands, asterisks, footnotes; also numbers and fractions. Then distributes parenthetical remarks throughout as well as actual commentary on the text she is authoring. She anticipates critique and responds to it in advance…the marginalia insist on being key players in the action of the poem…strikes through lines.

The book also veers into publishing. Wright quotes Robert Creeley as surmising, “What is a young poet to do? Form a company.” And she says he means to “start an e-zine or a press, publish yourselves." Quoting Creeley again, “Each has his or her place in the procession.” She keeps coming back to discuss the infighting among poetry schools. I’ll be quoting her more on this topic in an upcoming essay.


My Porn Following and Sexy Poems

TumblrLast year in my Big Bang Poetry newsletter, I sent out an article about how Tumblr was the up-and-coming social media player for young people. Facebook and Twitter are skewing more for old folks.

Because I care about reaching people younger than myself, I dutifully set up a Tumblr page. My page was pretty static with only basic information about how to link to my blogs and other web sites.

I was surprised a few months ago when I started getting a steady stream of new followers. Not just a few but like 40 followers in two months. I was confused about the activity but decided to create a new section of the Tumblr page for updates. I figured if people wanted to connect with me on Tumblr, I should update it more often.

However, something seemed a little off. The icons (pictures) of the new followers…well they didn’t look right. Let’s just say they looked more like someone you’d come across at a club on the Sunset Strip than someone you would run into at a poetry reading (or a Cher fan for that matter).

It all became clear to me one day when I received a new follower with a quite provocative icon image. Totally porno! Suddenly I had a theory about this. I wondered if I was being confused with a porn star. Could it be?

Monsieur Big Bang and I then ran a search for a porn star with the name of Mary McCray. Lo and behold, there is not only a porn actress named Marie McCray but she's alternatively known as Mary McCray. She has a Tumblr page and capitalizes on misspellings of her name.

All these new followers were following me mistakenly thinking they were following Marie McCray the porn star!


Imagine their dismay at all my poetry posts and Cher updates!

Monsieur Big Bang thinks I'm on to something. He thinks all poets should incorporate the name of a porn star into their own name to catch porn hits, names like Ron Jeremy Padgett or Nina Hartley Crane.

You can’t unfriend followers in Tumblr like you can in Facebook and I’m not sure I would want to. Maybe I can get one or two porn fans to consider the salacious potential of John Donne and H.D.

Read 10 sexy poems compiled by Flavorwire


My Poet Ancestor’s Miracle Poem

BagIn 2012 I wrote about my only ancestor (my great-grandmother's niece) who was a poet, Marylu Terral Jeans and her book Statue in the Stone. Last month I received a fascinating email about one of her poems from a man named Patrick in Pittsburgh.

Here's is the story he told:

My mother, Mary, was a Peace Corps volunteer in its early days, right after President Kennedy's assassination. She was so inspired by Kennedy that she joined the Peace Corps as a 24 year-old woman and taught English in the Philippines from 1964 through 1966.  She mother was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer about five years ago and died at age 67. 

While I was going through some of her old Peace Corps souvenirs, I found a small poem which looked like it had been torn out of a magazine by hand.  It was the poem "Love-Armored" by Marylu Terral Jeans.  I found the poem very moving, and obviously my mother did too, as she had kept it with her while thousands of miles away from home in the Philippines for 2 years (long before email, cell phones or other technology made the world seem much smaller).  I kept the poem in a ziplock bag along with some prayer cards left over from her funeral.  I put the plastic bag in a wooden box with a Bible in it. The Bible had been given to me at her funeral.  The box then went into an old oak dresser which came with me through several moves in the last few years.

This past December I bought my first home, a small brick ranch house on a mountaintop piece of land in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania (50 miles East of Pittsburgh). I had a woodburner stove installed into a basement fireplace, and the installer's must have made a mistake when putting in the new chimney liner.  At 3:00 AM on December 12th, I woke up in the middle of the night because I wasn't breathing right and a smell of smoke was all through my house. I went down and checked the fireplace, and the fire in the woodburner was out.  I figured the new stove just wasn't venting properly and went back to bed.  At 7:00 AM I awoke again because I was breathing smoke and this time noticed a haze of smoke all through the house.  (I wasn't supposed to get up until 10AM, because I had worked late the night before).  I walked all through the house trying to figure out where the smoke was coming from but couldn't find any source.  I opened windows to try to air my house at this point. 

Little did I know, the underside of the hardwood floors in my home had been smoldering with fire all night waiting for oxygen. I then noticed smoke billowing up from behind the piece of furniture (an old family heirloom that had belonged to my mother's family) which held the Bible box. I ran downstairs and pulled the tiles of the drop ceiling and the entire underside of my floors were on fire. I dumped an entire fire extinguisher into the ceiling before having to flee my house due to smoke overtaking me. I made it out with just my clothes and wallet in my pocket.

Within a half hour, my entire house had burned and the first floor of the house had collapsed into the basement. It was a total loss fire. The fire had burned so intense inside the brick house that I never even found a trace of my mountain bike (all metal) and other large objects that were completely melted. But while the entire first floor had collapsed and incinerated in the fire, the old oak dresser with the Bible in it had slid down on a piece of broken floor into the basement…and it didn't burn. The area of the basement where it slid into was the vortex of the fire. It was within 8 feet of where my mountain bike and a couch had melted completely with no trace.  The oak dresser was charred, but survived. The Bible in the wooden box had remained completely untouched during the fire. It had literally been in the hottest part of the fire where nothing else survived.

Last week I began looking for the plastic bag containing the old poem which i knew had also been in the Bible box. It was nowhere to be found. I began searching Google for lines of the poem which I remembered, but there were no Google hits for a poem titled "Love Armored".  I couldn't remember the name of the author.  Very sad over the loss of this old poem which meant so much to me, I went back to what remained of my old house last week, took the boards off the windows and tramped around looking through the sludge and debris. Over a foot of water had been dumped into the basement of the house by the fire department during the fire, and it was a mess.  No luck finding anything. A friend of mine had removed the old dresser the day after the fire to dry it out in his garage, and I called him just to see if maybe the bag was still inside.

He called me back and said "This is really spooky. I have the bag, it had been lying near the dresser after the fire. The plastic bag isn't even sealed, and there are ashes in the bag, so it was open during the fire. But for some reason, none of the papers inside the bag are burnt, and there isn't even any water damage to anything in the bag". Just to clarify, a plastic ziplock bag containing paper items was lying unharmed within 8 feet of where a mountain bike and everything else in sight had completely melted in the fire. He sent pictures of the bag and the contents.   Poem A few people had been telling me since the fire that my mother had been watching over me and had awakened me before the carbon monoxide or fire could get to me. When I read the FIRST and LAST lines of the poem, it gave me chills. See the attached photos of the actual bag and poem. 

Love Armored

My love surrounds the house in which you dwell,
The place you work, the streets your feet have known,
With more of tenderness than I can tell,
And prayers I have said for you alone.
If you are lonely, know that I am near;
If you are sad, my faith will comfort you,
The things you value I shall hold most dear;
Your happiness will make me happy, too.

If you are heavy-laden, be at rest…
He who is loved need never walk alone.
He has a cloak, a sword to meet the test,
A shield, a talisman that is his own.
Be sure of this: Though you may travel far,
My love will guard you anywhere you are.


Reach for the Horizon Blog Tour-Celebrity Poets

MorrisonI'm very happy to be part of Savvy Verse & Wit's National Poetry Month blog tour this year. I'm going to spend the month reading celebrity poetry. If you check back to this post all month, I will be creating a master list of celebrity poets and reviewing my own books of celebrity poets.

I'll start with a recap of the books I've reviewed so far, some links to celebrity poems online, and a list of books you can buy if you decide to dive into this exciting world of celebrity profundity.


Jim Morrison is probably the best known celebrity poet (if you don't count the lyrics of Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan). Read the full review here. I said basically,

Morrison is good at noticing what's going on around him. In this book he mulls over ideas of voyeurism and participation, film studies (he was a film student), issues of power and possession, alchemy, and a few interesting comments about motherhood. The random notes included are not fully formed. They seem almost like notes for future essays.  And many of the poems seem like a string fo terse images in search of a vague mythology…

In the end, Morrison seemed to view death as a clean slate, from "Hurricane & Eclipse" where he says, "I wish clean/death would come to me" to "If Only I" where he claims "If only I could feel/me pulling back/again/& feel embraced/by reality/again/I would gladly die." Maybe it's this very state of mind that appeals to teen boys, stressed out by the fog of adolescence and living a life not yet fully in control.

Some interesting lines:

"Real poetry doesn't say anything,
it just ticks off the possibilities."


"I hear a very gentle sound,
With your ear down to the ground.
We want the world and we want it…
We want the world and we want it,
now,   now,   NOW!

In my inaugural celebrity poet book review post, I reviewed Jewel, Suzanne Sommers and Jimmy Steart. Read the full reviews here. I waited a long time to score the Sommers book (before eBay came along) and I love it even thought the poems are a bit thin. Example:


I don't give you time
    Because you're a cliche
    I meet a thousand times a day.
There's no need to talk.
    I know you're handsome
    And successful
    And extremely good in bed.
But really there's nothing to say,
Only a kind of game to play.
    Only a tedious cliche
    I meet a thousand times a day.
And I always forget your name.

I really didn't enjoy Jimmy Stewart's poetry. They were indulgent and better suited for a children's book. Exceprt:

from "I'm a Movie Camera"

I'm a movie camera. Instamatic is my name.
I'm Eastman's latest model,
   Super 8's my claim to fame.
I was on a shelf in Westwood
   when an actor purchased me
And took me home to 918 in Hills the Beverly.

WhiteI finished Directing Herbert White by James Franco last week. I spent half the book thinking I had never seen a James Franco movie. I just knew him as a child-star-terror. Last week Entertainment Weekly called him out for calling The New York Times theater critic Ben Brantley a “little bitch” but EW added, “Don’t worry, he was in character as James Franco.” I was also considering judgments of family members of his disastrous award-show hosting with Anne Hathaway. Apparently he’s kind of a “little bitch” himself. But then I came upon the Wizard of Oz movie poem in his book and I realized I had seen in Oz The Great and Powerful. I became discombobulated then reading the book.

Some critics believe a poet’s biography should be irrelevant when you read a poem. I am not one of those. When I see James Franco’s paintings of Seth Rogen, I want to know if they are kidding or mean-spirited or I'll have no idea about tone. Poems are written by people, people with biographies. Your poems may not be about you entirely, but they are entirely not about anybody else either.

This book is better than the run-of-the-mill celebrity poetry. He has been published in American Poetry Review and has about 5 MFA degrees (in fiction, film, art and poetry…from NYU and Columbia among other colleges) and he has studied with well-known poets). Franco has definitely given service to poetry. He played Ginsberg in Howl and Hart Crane in The Broken Tower. He’s made his own short films about various works by Frank Bidart, Stephen Dobyns, Spencer Reece and C.K. Williams.

Some of the poems about Hollywood are good (two Lindsay Lohan poems, “Los Angeles Proverb,” the James Dean poem)- but “Acting Tips” is pretty self-involved, clichéd and empty—the last line being a telling indicator: “About me.”

The poem “Seventh Grade” is very good as is the poem about the LA River. The sonnets have a good tone and “Hart Crane’s Tomb" is probably the best poem in the collection.

In his poetry that when he said to the Brooklyn Bridge

“A bedlamite speeds to thy parapets,
Tilting there momentenly, shrill shirt ballooning,”

He meant himself,
A circle on the surface of the ocean,

For a second,
And then the bottom of the sea. 

There are also interesting poems about Brad Renfro (the tragic kid from The Client) and Heath Ledger and two sections of poems titled by lyrics from song titles from the Smith’s compilation album.

That said often Franco works with a flat vocabulary and has issues with ending his poems with a punch. Some seem to almost mean something but fail to gain any depth. In the poem “Fake” he almost reaches self-awareness. The poems are mostly very colloquial and WYSIWYG but in occasional pieces are interestingly figurative. Franco is at his best when he brings out the theatrical performance aspect in the poem.

RoseThe Rose That Grew From Concrete by Tupac Shakur is a different book entirely that exists for a different purpose. There are an amazing amount of prematerial in the book: a a preface, a forward and an introduction. The father’s preface is moving and the forward by Nikki Giovanni is a little hyperbolic in its attempts to give Tupac poet's cred, but she does draw out some of the importance in his song lyrics and makes a good argument about how black activists and artists are turned into thugs by the press or worse, ignored.

The book is tiny. Each page has the poem and the hand-written version on the page opposite. I had to wonder if Tupac ever intended these poems to be published. They were written in workshops and were published unedited and are mostly expressions of frustration and heartache, sounding like so much teen angst. Tupac makes use of numbers and symbols in place of words like old Price lyrics. Some poems rhyme. But he argues points on issues of race and class and the struggles of fame. He had his own celebrity obsessions with Marilyn Monroe and Vincent Van Gogh. The book is also sprinkled with publicity photos. The biggest section is of love poems which seem private and naïve. There are also political sections which deal with Nelson Mandela, the Black Panthers and the American welfare system. There are some moving mother poems.

The book goes a long way to presenting an alternate view of Tupac. He seems to be working out his life’s sufferings and joys. My favorite poem is “Pride in the Panther”

Can u c the pride in the Pantha
as she nurtures her young all alone
The seed must grow regardless
of the fact that it’s planted in stone

The final poem is absolutely haunting, a piece called “In the Event of My Demise.” There is no translation for it and you read the poem in his own handwriting. He was hoping to die for a principle. It’s a tragedy he did not.

I like that Tupac's parents are using his poems in service of young adult programs.

Links to Celebrity Poetry Online


  • Jim Morrison – The Lords and the New Creatures; Wilderness; The American Night
  • Suzanne Sommers – Touch Me!
  • Leonard Niemoy – A Lifetime of Love; Warned by Love; Come Be With Me; We Are All Children Searching for Love; These Words Are For You; Will I Think of You; I Am Not Spock (there's probably more)
  • Jimmy Stewart – Jimmy Stewart and His Poems
  • Jewl – A Night Without Armor
  • James Franco – Directing Herbert White
  • Tupac Shakur – A Rose That Grew From Concrete
  • Joni Mitchell – The Complete Poems and Lyrics
  • Bob Dylan – Tarantula
  • Viggo Mortensen - Ten Last Night
  • T-Boz (singer from the group TLC) – Thoughts
  •  Ashanti – Foolish/Unfoolish: Reflections on Love
  • Ally Sheedy – Yesterday I Saw the Sun: Poems
  • Billy Corgan (of Smashing Pumpkins) -  Blinking with Fists
  • Alica Keys – Tears for Water: Poems and Lyrics 
  • Sting – Shape of My Heart 
  •  Jill Scott – The Moments, The Minutes, The Hours
  • Antwone Fisher – Who Will Cry for the Little Boy?
  • Jimmy Carter – Always a Reckoning, and Other Poems
  • John Lithgow – The Poets’ Corner: The One-and-Only Poetry Book for the Whole Family
  • The Anthology of Really Important Modern Poetry: Timeless Poems by Snooki, John Boehner, Kanye West, and Other Well-Versed Celebrities

It's easy to make fun of celebrity poetry but they've committed no crime except taking advantage of their fame to publish poetry. Is that so bad? Taking up space from non-famous poets maybe but if you were famous, would you stop writing poetry? (Assuming you're a non-famous writer today). Everyone is on their own journey. Don't hate them because they love poetry. Some celebrity poets, like Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell are actually very good.

Dylan Sommers Jewel Spok Stewart


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