Big Bang Poetry

Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World

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52 Haiku, Week 10

My first few weeks back working with ICANN and I was anxious. Two days planting lavender, honeysuckle and jumbo sunflowers and I was sore! Sore and anxious, that was me this week.

The Prompt: Breathe

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

"The hand sees, the eye
Draws, the body breathes.
Wake up! A rabbit."

And again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

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My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Forgetting to breathe
with your heart and ink–that's me
and the ink rabbit.

The Reflection

Confused rabbit all the way. Time to breathe. 


Now it's you.

52 Haiku, Week 9

WondrousThis was the first great week I've had in many moons! I feel very grateful and appreciative and am trying to enjoy the joy. In fact, one of the good things that happened last week was an email starting with "joyful news." So joy is definitely a theme this week. Our prompt even used the word "wondrous" which you don't hear very often but it's a world I've loved since I first saw it as the title of one of Sonny & Cher's albums from the 1960s.

The Prompt: Joy

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

"The wind has settled, the blossoms have fallen;
Birds sing, the mountains grow dark–
This is the wondrous power of Buddhism."

And again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

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My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Steam rising on oats.
Birds appear to consider
from far, far away.

The Reflection

In the place I live now there's a big trumpet vine along the wall out of the dining room window. So many birds are coming right now and while I eat breakfast, their big shadows startle me sometimes. I sat there every morning last week trying to settle into new patterns with a new job back at

Now you take a go at it.

52 Haiku, Week 8

So this week has been a really needed and fortunate time of just collecting myself for what comes ahead. And I feel it's helping me intellectually catch up. My brain has space to think again! (manic weeping ensues!)

The Prompt: Space

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

"Snail at my feet-
Open space between two thoughts.
Where did you come from."

And again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

I had trouble focusing on one drawing this week. This is why sumi-e ink is much better for this exercise. No backsies or redos! 













My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Ephemeral thing
Floating profoundly through.
Old thoughts collect snow.

The Reflection

I was reading the prompt and thinking of thoughts like clouds. They can only flow through were there is space between solid things.

This also reminded me of the creative process and a video my Digital Storytelling class watched last week about the mental processes of creativity.


Now your turn.


More Books About Writing

This is a major book review catch-up. As I've been switching work situations, I kept on reading but couldn't keep up with blogging. So here we go…


 The World Broke In Two, Bill Goldstein

The book cover looks very retro but this book actually came out in 2017 and it's about the year 1922, right after Proust had been translated into English and James Joyce has published Ulysses. Many established writers were disrupted (as we would say today) and Goldstein covers the comings and goings of four of those writers: Virginia Woolf (working on her Mrs. Dalloway novel), T.S. Eliot (writing his epic poem "The Waste Land"), E.M. Forster (working on A Passage to India) and D. H. Lawrence (roaming the earth, particularly his visits to Italy, Australia and Taos, New Mexico). 

Although I loved getting context on D.H. Lawrence's inability to like anything, (he's the favorite writer-visitor of the state of New Mexico and I'm always trying to figure out why), I don't really see how his chapters fit in with the others. He wasn't influenced by one of the two landmark books as the others were, the other's had of a circle of friendships (which he was not a part of), and nothing of a modernist masterpiece came out of his work during that time. So why was he included?

But anyway, the biographer does penetrate the time very well, including all the letters going back and forth, discussions about writing and figuring out how to be modern.

DigitalNew Directions in Digital Poetry, C.T. Funkhouser

This is one of those books I've been trying to find for a while. Copies are usually too expensive, which happens with certain books that are used as textbooks. For some reason the world thinks it's okay to extort shameful fees from poor students.

Anyway, this 2012 book is pure textbook stuff. Not for the disinterested. Most of the online pieces I tried to look up were already unavailable, with screenshots at best (example, Angela Ferraiolos pieces and works by Mary-Anne Breeze). So the book is basically descriptions of cool digital pieces (mostly in Flash) that you have to imagine in your head. 

I was able to access the digital poem "Vniverse" by Stephanie Strickland (now an app form) and that was enjoyable. Jim Andrews has a piece dbCinema that is still online.  

If you have Flash enabled, you could view interesting things by Deena Larsen, Serge Bouchardon and Jason Nelson

I love the possibilities for digital poems, but it still seems that many talented writers are fiercely disinterested in exploring digital media. And likewise, the writers who do explore these terrains are often programmers first. As Funkhouser admits,

"…many digital poets do not aspire to reify lofty historical norms. Instead they employ different sorts of patterns, wherein programmatic randomness and machine cognition combine to synthesize network/media resources into a digital event almost guaranteed to contain turbulence. Readers may intuitively acclimatize to fragmentation and the absence of conventional syntax, traits not foreign to modernist and experimental poetry in the last century."

I have plenty of thoughts about this and the values experimental programmers bring to poems versus the value that writers would pursue. More on that later. But for now, it's just interesting to note that poets are willing to do experiments on paper that they're shy of doing in other media for some probably techno-phobic reason. And although I sympathize with that (as a lover of books and the machine of books), it's shortsighted and willfully missing out on understanding the possibilities of different platforms and media. And it misses, by a mile, the issues of our times, particularly similar interests in the realms of abstraction and the role of authorship in web reading and how "the signal to noise ration…is often fraught with diversion and dead ends." Better writers could explore digital opportunities, "orchestrating a textual experience that undermines its facade."

Most digital poets and experimental traditional poets have the same end goal: they want their pieces to "cause thinking" or "incite thought." And digital lit isn't always a criticism of traditional modes, although sometimes it is.

NemerovNew & Selected Essays, Howard Nemerov

I really enjoyed one of Howard Nemerov's essays in the compilation Poetics, Essays on the Art of Poetry and so I bought his collected essays from 1985. Nemerov is the sister of famous photographer Diane Arbus (who claimed they had a sexual relationship as teens), and was a distinguished professor of English at Washington University in St. Louis from 1969 to 1991. This book would have come out when I was 15. The likelihood of my attending Wash U was slim. It was St. Louis' ivy league. But to think I could have studied with him if I had been more aware of my surroundings…

Anyway, this book is dated in many ways (one essay is on the horrors of in-vitro) and there is an extremely unilluminating love-fest of essays between Nemerov and poet Kenneth Burke. But there are some great things in here:

– A great fictional conversation between an advertising copywriter and a poet.
– Good comments throughout (and one full essay) on Wallace Stevens.
– Big topic areas like middle-aged poets used to write about in the 80s: the arts vs. religion and another essay on how poems operate like jokes (you know I love that stuff!).
– A comparison between human imagination in Blake and Wordsworth. 
– He also tackles essays on metaphor, figures of thought and making meaning.
– There are also essays on newsworthy topics of the day, speeches, commentary on fiction, meter in poetry, and essays on Dante, Rilke and Randall Jarrell.

Some good quotes:

"The great babble of the world goes incessantly on as people translate, encipher, decipher, as one set of words is transformed more or less systematically into another set of words–where upon someone says, 'O, now I understand….'"

"To view the poet as a magician is fair, if we remember that magicians do not really solve the hero's problems, but only help him to confront these…"

"A joke expresses tension, which it releases in laughter; it is a sort of permissible rebellion against things as they are–permissible, perhaps, because this rebellion is at the same time stoically resigned, it acknowledges that things are as they are, and that they will, after the moment of laughter, continue to be that way. That is why jokes concentrate on the most  sensitive areas of human concern: sex, death, religion, and the most powerful institutions of society; and poems do the same.

"…as Mr. [William] Empson said (in a poem), 'The safety valve alone knows the worst truth about the engine.'" [There's a whole magazine predicated on this very quote!]

"…In general, to succeed at joking or at poetry, you have to be serious; the least hint that you think you are being funny will cancel the effect, and there is probably no lower human enterprise than 'humorous writing.'" [Thank you.] 

And in reference to the book above, this quote seems apropos here:

"A.M. Turing [the godfather of digital lit, by the way] once said that the question 'Can machines think?' was too meaningless to deserve discussion, and suggested that the proper short answer was 'Can people?'"

"…the posture of the literary mind seems these days to be dry, angry, smart, jeering, cynical;  as though once people had discovered the sneaky joys of irreverence they were quite unable to stop" and he warns that "the intelligent and crafty young at last, as Ulysses says, eat up themselves."

Baker DavisTwo novels about people writing: The Anthologist/Traveling Sprinkler (Nicholson Baker, 2009) and The End of the Story (Lydia Davis, 1995)

These books are so similar in a way I feel I need to compare them. In the Baker story, the main character is a man, a poet and musician going through a breakup and unable to finish the introduction to an anthology of metered poetry. In fact, the whole piece is pretty much about his avoidance of writing or his struggling to learn a new instrument. He's not very likeable and he thinks a lot about poetry and music (there's some great meditations on the history of poetry here converging back to music) and discussion on the history and meaning of many poets and poems. And although the character is a bit of a mansplainer, that annoyingness is part of the point. He knows so much he can't move. He can only ruminate. It's enjoyable but I had to take it in little bursts because he does drone on and the novel melds into a kind of free-form essay on poetry and music. Luckily the chapters are short. The book resolves but somewhat unsatisfactorily. It just kind of runs out of steam. And although the novel is a nice enough way to spend some time, I haven't recommended it to anybody. But I'm keeping it, so that says something.

The main character in Davis' book is an academic woman, a translator of French, and a novelist who is struggling to write the very novel you have in your hands. Although you never fully believe the story is a fiction and she ruminates herself about the borders between the forms. Like the character above, this story involves a very painful breakup told in excruciatingly but amazingly exacting psychological detail. Think Proust in "Swann's Way." Davis is interesting in that she's a Proust scholar (she's re-translated his first book, to date) but she writes with a very limited vocabulary. Not quite like Hemingway but closer to that than to Proust. Her topics get a lot of coverage but not in a vocabulary-rich, long-sentence way. Which is perfectly fine. That entirely serves the character, who is even less likable than Baker's main guy. Our character here has hit rock bottom in the relationship arena and so there's no 'splaining at all, just wading through the all-too familiar confusion of a sudden collapse of a love affair. There are no chapters here…it's just one long mess with section breaks; but thankfully it's a short book. There are great passages about novel writing and character construction and although the story doesn't resolve, the end seems pretty perfect. It was heartbreaking and I've been recommending it to everyone I talk to.

PlainwaterPlainwater (Anne Carson, 1995)

Carson's covers are so demure. I'm including this because there's not an Anne Carson book I've read that doesn't inspire me to try one of the same epic forms she invents from piece to piece. I can't not think about writing when I read her books. They never disappoint even though often they're often above my head.

This books seems like her most personal. She calls the pieces essays and poetry but it's hard to tell what's what. The cornerstone piece, "The Anthropology of Water" is about modern pilgrimages and amazingly threaded together with great commentary on love and traveling. The love poem, "Canicula di Anna" is also another good piece of brain food I'm still deciphering.

Her books have real re-readability for me because even the fragments I can manage to understand are plenty thought-provoking.

I also just finished her chapbook, The Albertine Workout, which considers Prout's character Albertine from many angles.

Poems in Pop Culture: More Movies About Writers

Here's a new batch of movies about writers I've previewed for Big Bang Poetry. 

ColetteColette (2018)

This is a movie about France's most celebrated writer, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, and how she climbs out from under her famous Claudine books which appeared under the pseudonym of her husband. This might remind you of the recent movie Big Eyes about Margaret and Walter Keane and a similar husband's swindle on his wife's intellectual capital, but in this case we're talking about a bigger allegorical story of female emancipation in writing, sex and self-sufficiency. The movie stars Keira Knightley and Dominic West as the power-writing couple and also includes Eleanor Tomlinson playing a Southern-speaking American. The movie is, in many ways, about sexual exploration and there are sex scenes between West and Tomlinson, Knightly and Tomlinson and Knightly and Denise Gough who plays Colette's longtime lover Mathilde de Morny.

But there's also plenty of writing and watching Colette struggling with writing, being forced to write, thinking over what she'll write, editing her writing with the help of her husband who taught her everything he knew. Like Cher claiming there would be no Cher without Sonny, Colette appreciated the support her husband provided as long as she could, until he got greedy. The movie's main focus is on the Claudine years and Colette's time as a stage performer. You also see how these writers dealt with the test of massive fame and commodification, how writing collaborations worked for them. The movie also goes into marketing and the legalities of publishing at the time.

I wish the movie (already two hours) could have addressed her later years, when most of her solo pieces were composed and her fame was at its peak, if only to see reference to one of my biggest guilty pleasures, Gigi.

Tom-viv-coverTom and Viv (1994)

Tom and Viv is about another husband and wife collaboration team with Willen Defoe as the poet T. S. Eliot and Miranda Richardson starring his wife Vivienne. Unfortunately this movie is the dullest of the three. The young Willem does an excellent job playing the dull-sack Elliot, down to his droning boringness and weary incantations and Richardson does the best she can with the material of a stereotypical angry madwoman. But the movie is too long (again, two hours) and the the payoff is too little. Besides that, whole swaths of history were ignored completely. It's acknowledged that Vivienne helped Eliot write "The Waste Land" but the entire character of Ezra Pound was written out (gone!) to instead imply a strong writing relationship with Bertrand Russel. 

And I just read a book about the subject, the literary year of 1922 when "The Waste Land" was written. The books, The World Broke in Two by Bill Goldstein, is a mini-biography of T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence and E.M. Forster, all struggling with the recent publications of Proust in English and James Joyce's Ulysses. The book goes into detail about Ezra Pound's contributions to Eliot's poem (Eliot himself confirmed it) and so although Ezra Pound is an unsavory character seen retrospectively, you can't erase him from the T.S. Eliot story.

You also can't go into detail about the health issues and mental problems of Vivenne (she was diagnosed with "moral insanity" but was was most likely bipolar) and completely not address the mental breakdowns and recurring health issues of Tom Eliot. What the hell? Not even mentioned that it was at a mental health facility where Eliot finished the bulk of "The Waste Land" or that he suffered from recurring depression after that. There's references to Tom's anglophila, his birthplace St. Louis, and scenes of him writing at a typewriter, but not that many. Here's a shot of the two collaborating over "The Waste Land."


There is one funny line where Vivienne says, "Imagine Tom's poetry as a smashed vase" in an uncomfortable scene where Vivenne tries to explain Tom's poem to her parents. Haven't we all been there? There's another scene where Tom and Viv are proofing the typesetting for "The Waste Land" and they slightly touch on Eliot's theory that poetry should be an escape from emotion not an expression of emotion. 

At the end of the movie Monsieur Big Bang expressed fatigue with seeing smart women depicted as mad women. I think this is actually one of the movie's points (as we end up feeling more sympathy to the rattled Vivienne than we do the emotionally impotent Eliot) but the movie takes too long to get to that end and withholds two much evidence that would have balanced out their relationship.

The-Broken-TowerThe Broken Tower (2011)

A good counterpoint to Tom and Viv is this James Franco movie. Franco gets a lot of crap for his affectations around poetry but he seems to know what he's doing. He both directs and stars in this movie about the life of Hart Crane, who is often seen as America's counterpoint to T.S. Eliot. Where Eliot saw modernity as profoundly disturbing, Crane found it inspiring. They both wrote very dense, difficult poems. But Franco takes the fragmentary nature of Crane's poems and tries to map them to an experimental film of fragments. He works with word associations in the various poems and tries similar techniques in this black and white film. It's not a comprehensive biography if that's what you're looking for; it's more alluding to his life story with chaotic camerawork and impressions of scenes, plenty of life gaps and moments of introspection. 

In fact, Crane is never seen writing so much as thinking about writing, as the cover suggests. Or talking about writing as this memorable scene below conveys, where Crane tells a friend he wants to get "jazz and buildings into poetry," to "Whitmanize T.S. Eliot." And it's awesome to think of the convergence of those three poets: Crane, Eliot and Whitman.

The movie also shows Crane's strained relationship with his father, a wealthy candy-maker and his struggles for money, including attempts to work a desk job. 

We liked the movie so much we watched the DVD extras where Franco interviews Hart Crane scholars to talk about ways to make the poems come alive in film, including the cognitive leaps.


52 Haiku, Week 7

This week was really rough. I finished my work at CNM and am at home finishing up some projects before the next job starts. It was a rough transition as they always are. And as my friend Julie texted me, there's always a bit of grief leaving any group of people in an office.

As I'm working on this I was starting up NaPoWriMo 2019. The prompt for the day was to write a meandering poem which took its time to get anywhere. I couldn't help but think of the J. R. R. Tolkien poem with the quote, “Not all those who wander are lost.” I used to have this up on my office desk as it perfectly describes my meandering work life and all the many jobs I've had over the years. I wrote a poem of all the crazy temp job stories I could remember and this probably influenced my meditation and haiku this week.

The Prompt: Choice of Path

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

"Along this way
goes no one.
Autumn evening."

Again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

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My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Deep breath through the leaves
Bow to the new direction
At every turn

The Reflection

Like everyone, I'm not going the way of an autumn evening. I'm constantly on a path, obsessing about the path, looking backwards and wondering what happened.

And another tree appears this week. I think there's security in the idea of a tree (for me) and change makes me anxious so I want to focus on the stillness of a tree with change happening like wind in the leaves. But at the same time I seem to want to honor the changes.


Now you go.


52 Haiku, Week 6

I've decided in the last week I was adding a lot of anxiety to my situation and that I need to reconfigure how I "am" around everyone I encounter over the next week and a half. This exercise helps.

The Prompt: Now

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

'Today I am" is the essential condition and that is no other than the essence of Zen Buddhism.
Eido Roshi

Again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing










My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Wind through the branches
Seasons of the century
Leaf by leaf by leaf

The Reflection

A tree came to me as my image of the now, the long, dramatic life of a tree, harassed by all the elements, overlooked by many, but outlasting all the seasons of its life. 


Now it's all you.


52 Haiku, Week 5

Decisions were made this week and I feel some relief from the vacillations around my jobs. 

The Prompt: Focus

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

Look lovingly on some object. Do not go on to another object. Here, in the middle of this object–the blessing.

Again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

Gave up on the board this week. Will convert these to sumi-e ink in a week or so. 








My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

The light of the pen
Ink machine of the described
Chasing metaphors

The Reflection

So often I can deal with stress by writing it out. I find lots of comfort in my favorite pen and will go to crazy lengths to keep track of it, even if it's a shitty pen. It's the pen that wrote me out of my quandaries! This pen "described" above was from my realtor and it actually lights up for no apparent reason. Illumination for illumination's sake.


Now you.


52 Haiku, Week 4

This was a week filled with anxiety for me due to too many irons in the fire. My brain started to fog out and I really appreciated this prompt. Further background: we went to Arby's the night we learned about Monsieur Big Bang's mom. So now we're there quite frequently for some reason. The curly fries are very good.

The Prompt: It's the Little Things

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

An enlightened being should develop a mind that alights on nothing whatsoever.
The Diamond Sutra

Again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

My sumi board is getting really cray-cray. And I'm now in the habit of doing a pen version. So below is the pen and a drying (or melting) version of the water/sumi. 











And this is the beautiful book example:










My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Hunger in a box.
Tatters in coiled calorie.
Salty, starch comforts.

The Reflection

This was a hard haiku. It took a very long time considering. Writing about food is difficult, it's so concrete. 


Now you go.


52 Haiku, Week 3

KcsnowThis is a Kansas City Star photograph of recent snowfall in the city. It also reflects the gloom of our last week.

So much changes in a week. Last post I was talking about a recycled, repeated past; this week we feel unfettered and lost in a disappearing past.

The Prompt: Fundamentals we take for granted

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

As fish dart through the water, they are forgetful of water; as birds fly in the breeze, they are not conscious that there is a breeze. Discern this and you can transcend the burden of things and enjoy natural potential. 
            – Huanchu Daoren

Again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

So my sumi board isn't really working out. Or else Albuquerque water isn't working out. Each drawing is leaving a trace of past drawings.

This quote made me think about 'things we take for granted' as living beings: water, air…and time, especially time with loved ones. Monsieur Big Bang inherited a grandfather clock last weekend which we drove back to Albuquerque through the snow. It's looming pretense was in my eye line as I was working on this. I was pretty intimidated trying to draw a grandfather clock on the sumi board so I did a sketch first.











My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Water, wind and time:
all the torrents and simmers.
The clock stops at five.

The Reflection

Donna Lee McCray (March 12, 1931 – February 25, 2019)


Now it's yours.


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