Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World

Category: Whole Life of the Poet (Page 3 of 18)


Goodwill. I’m not talking about a thrift score here.

I’m talking about the person-to-person kind. You know, bonhomie.

I’ve been around tribes of writers for many, many years now and  other artists for a time too. I’ve always dreamed of finding my tribe, my school, my group of likeminded thinkers…and mostly for the social aspect if I’m being honest about the fantasy. When I read stories about professors holding court at restaurants or drinking establishments surrounded by their students talking shop, talking about quality writers and writing, I always think mmm….that sounds so nice.

I do have friends that I collaborate with and friends who are writers, but I’ve never found that sympatico group of people who are working on the same things I’m working on. And as for the work itself, some writers enjoy the process (I know I do) and some writers find it difficult and painful. But aside from any enjoyment you might get just by doing it (brainstorming, assembling, editing, polishing), I contend writing isn’t really about the written result per se. It’s about communicating to other people, which is more social than solitary.

And the harder the thing is to communicate, the more words become a problem. Words and sentences don’t always convey. They manipulate everyone all the time. Words say things you don’t intend. They stick your foot in it.

But you keep going, because what else is there but speaking and writing?

Once you’re dead, the written words will be left behind like an empty vessel. Others might enjoy them but that’s none of your concern anymore. The writing may live or not live. You most definitely will not live.

So if you were the last man on earth, would you bother? Once the people you’re communicating with are gone, would you bother? No, I don’t think it’s the writing itself, deep down, that fulfills what we desire.

As Al Pacino says in Author! Author!, “We’re people, Gloria! We’re people!” People who need people.

One of my biggest pet peeves lately is the envy writers and artists feel toward one another, especially friend-to-friend envy.

This is exhibited in many ways: friends consistently not reading or attending to their friends artworks, friends not providing words of encouragement when milestones are reached (like publications or good reviews), friends being inexplicably suddenly attentive when bad milestones are hit (failures, bad reviews). “Sorry to hear about your bad review. You must feel terrible.” It’s easy to say a real friend wouldn’t do that, but sometimes otherwise-very-good friends do things like this.

And full disclosure I used to be one of those people. Not the schadenfreude kind, but I did find it hard to drum up genuine enthusiasm for a friend or acquaintance’s success.  And I think it’s a naturally competitive emotional response to be envious.

I think it serves you not a whit, but it’s a natural, normal response.

When I started this blog, I made a conscious effort to approach other people’s poetry pieces with an open and impartial mind. My friend Christopher was a good mentor in this. No matter how he may have historically and dramatically disliked something, (recently he declared to me on the phone, “no woman can pull of bangs!”), he will approach a new thing with an open mind, lacking any of his prior prejudices. He will say things like “I usually don’t like this but you have to give so-and-so credit. That was amazing. They really did that well.” It’s always a generous, fair-minded response.

It was in that spirit that I tried to dump my own prejudices and walk forward in literature without the baggage of envy. And this was initially a challenge when reading the work of someone I knew. In the back of my chest there was that pang of envy every time. Why didn’t I do this? I could do this. My friend is moving forward and I’m falling behind. The crazy thing is I didn’t usually care about falling behind. I’ve been behind from the get-go; I’m usually the dumbest person in the room and I’m comfortable with this.

But envy is a feeling your ego creates, something deep-seated. And your ego has its own agenda.

The thing is there is a trick to escaping this. I actually learned it from a therapist I had many years ago, the same one I quit over the Linda Ronstadt song. Although she gave me the terrible advise to consider ‘no good’ any boy who was disinterested in me (which was certainly not healthy or logical), she also gave me a piece of very good advice that changed my then-young life.

I was a senior in high school at the time and she told me to keep a daily list of everything good that happened to me and another list of everything bad that happened. She insisted that over time the bad list would become shorter and the good list would become longer, like magic.

And it worked. (In reality, it was a trick of attention and where you put it.)

Turns out, in the the case of envy, the fake-it-til-you-make-it method does, in fact, work. First you drum up some half-baked enthusiasm for your successful friend and it’s like endorphins kick in or something. It feels good to be happy for someone. Before you know it, you’re feeling real genuine enthusiasm for them and their projects. Magic!

You’ll soon notice envy fading away completely and you’re a much happier creative person in the world.

This is different than toxic positivity. Negative emotions are normal. And there’s plenty time to still feel shitty about strangers and their successes. Just don’t let yourself feel envy over your friends.

But then sometimes I wonder if maybe all friends aren’t created equal. Maybe good artist friends aren’t good generic friends. Cézanne was frustrated with Zola and Zola was frustrated with Cézanne. Maybe the friend who would bail you out of jail isn’t the same kind of friend who will happily deconstruct your latest opus.

I have to say, my best readers have been complete strangers. Hell, I think my only readers have been complete strangers, aside from my mother. (Thanks Mom!)

But the thing is some of those stranger readers have gone on to become very good friends. And we talk about more than writing or Cher. We talk about our struggles in life as well.

So I don’t know the answer to this yet but I think the world has become so hyper-competitive and self-serving and hyper-sensitive as to our own standing, we’ve lost too much goodwill. And trust me, goodwill  feels so much more pleasant than envy.


And So the Summer Departs

To-do List Courtesy of Reddit

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update here…well since our Essay Project came to a close in July. When I finish a big project I always feel suddenly a little untethered.

Alarmingly, this year has gone by faster than any year before (it would seem). Cruel summer and turned into cruel fall. Soon it will be Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The Halloween stores are already open and just a moment ago  it was spring and I was finishing up migrating websites. The whole year was on the horizon and my day job was really feeling great. (They gave us ice cream!)

The year of 2023 has brought me….well, things. For one, the day job has turned into the gaslit labors of Sisyphus. And the somewhat dreadful news about Artificial Intelligence has taken a lot of wind from the sails of my proliferating digital poems.

I spent a few minutes yesterday with no small bit of ennui considering if I’ve actually accomplished anything this year.

But I have.

I’ve finished two multi-year online blogging projects on Cher Scholar and we’ve wrapped up the Essay Project here. I did create a few new browser-based poems  and the The Electrical Dictionary of Melancholy Absolutes hit 100 definitions quite unbelievably this week.

And the in-progress stuff continues to march along. Although it’s been a slow slog, I’ve been working on a big course-like survey about the poems of American history. I stared about two years ago and I’m just now seeing the finish line. Monsieur Big Bang’s new Intro to Anthro podcast has me thinking about what format that survey course will take. Should it be a podcast or an online class? Should I use an educational platform for a fee or just host it myself for free (like a podcast)? I still don’t know. Podcasts have higher visibility but that format leaves out the possibility of fun PowerPoints and videos of petroglyph from my neighborhood. In any case, that’s a decision probably a year or two away.

The Katharine Hepburn poem is underway and slowing forming into itself. I’ve also started a new browser-based poem about my paternal grandfather based on some work my brother Randy finished a few years ago researching the history of our grandparents in Jicarilla, San Carlos, Hopi, Tohono Oʼodham, at the Indian School at Stewart, Nevada, and their final years in Roy, New Mexico.

I also need to dust off the Braille machine I purchased a few years ago and figure out how to write poems on that thing.

I have a little stack of experimental poetry books to review going back to last fall of 2022.

There are some fun trips ahead, too. Our group formerly known as the Sarah Lawrence writing group, now known as the Difficult Book Club, held a reunion dinner recently in New York City. It was so much fun, we’ve made plans to meet again in Winslow early next year.

And I have poems forthcoming in a spring 2024 anthology of Albuquerque poets coming out from University of New Mexico Press.

It’s a lot of work. I’ve made a big change in my day job hours that will go into effect at the first of the new year and hopefully that will give me more time finish all of this stuff. There’s that novel too.

So I guess that’s good, right? I feel like I’ve hit a plateau somehow. Oy. These are times for baby steps.

Anyway, in other news my friend Christopher gave me this book for my birthday, a coloring book created by Jane Heyes, peppered with Shakespearean, Romantic and 20th Century British poetry (except for one Walt Whitman poem floating in there, “A Glimpse“).

Maybe I should spend a few months just coloring around poems like I’m William Blake

Meditations on Milestones

Three stories:

One: a project that took so long, everything changed

I was very excited Sunday when I suddenly hit a major milestone with my Katharine Hepburn epic. I finished sorting through all my notes. Woohoo!

Okay, this may not seem like a big deal, but I took my first note while sitting on the floor of my living room in my Yonkers apartment 25 years ago.

It was a basement apartment steps away from a beautiful aqueduct trail running up the Hudson River near Odell and Warburton. I used to walk my dog there twice a day. The apartment was always freezing (and flooding) and everyone else was on rent strike…except me because nobody bothered to tell the new tenants about it.

I would gladly have joined the strike just to be able to phone my grandfather in Oregon to tell him I was finally on strike for something, at least something other than that time he talked me into going on strike in their Port Orford living room the day I was disgruntled about having to eat fish again for dinner. He even helped me make a picket sign and sent me pacing around the room with it.

Of course, he would have asked about the picket lines and I would have said, “There’s no line, Grandpa. I’m just not paying my rent! Kickin’ ass for the working class!”

Anyway, aside from reading the occasional new Katharine Hepburn biography, it wasn’t until this year that I made a concerted effort to compile all the notes from all the books, magazines and journals. And it kind of feels like 25 years, (on and off, but mostly off), digging into a basement and now I can start pouring the foundation and raising the walls.

But here’s the thing, a lot has changed for women in 25 years. And I am finding that assumptions I made about Katharine Hepburn back then, assumptions I was pretty sure most other women shared as well, they aren’t so certain anymore.

For example, Katharine Hepburn herself, both her parents and her Aunt Edith together worked for and symbolized sexual, economic and reproductive freedom for women. You don’t have to search very far on social media to find men (and women) fighting against those very ideals Hepburn stood for and defended. Conservatives are attacking reproductive freedom on many fronts, not just abortion. Contraception, control over one’s virginity or sexuality, and the entirety of women’s roles in the workplace are now contested spaces. I saw a tweet yesterday attacking a woman’s decision not to procreate at all, even through abstinence.

So I can no longer tell the  story I was going to tell in the same way I was going to tell it, with the assumptions I was going to make about how women are allowed to be. The direct quotes I had been cataloging from Hepburn and her allies, quotes which still sound empowered and fearless aren’t going to land the same way for everyone. Even the assumption that an empowered woman is a positive thing is now up for debate again. I can’t even assume Katharine Hepburn can be understood as a great American hero in today’s political climate.

Two: hypertext heroics 

I also finished a new browser piece, a more complicated piece using those iframes we once  implemented back in the late 1990s with all those boxes and ugly scroll bars everywhere.

And usually, when I try to return to these older HTML design elements, I introduce a whole host of problems for myself and have to find work-arounds and make compromises. For example, in this piece I had wanted to use the new search technology Text Fragments. You’ve seen this in action if you’ve ever searched for something and were directed to a webpage with the exact search text highlighted. My grand vision was to show highlighted text from one frame link to another frame’s text. But Text Fragments won’t work at all with iframes so I had to scrap that architectural pipe dream.

I was telling a relative in Kansas City recently about writing browser poems and how I was going about them. And she said, “So you’re trying to make them hard to read?” And I said, “Yes.”

Because it’s hard to read on browsers. It’s frustrating on many levels. That’s what makes a book so pleasant…to this day. And pages and poems don’t get lost in a book. They don’t suddenly stop working. On the other hand, books are relatively passive. Links make you do something. Even something as microscopic as clicking a mouse button. Browsers and books, they each have their capabilities and failures.

Three, the notebook

A few weeks ago I started to use a handmade notebook I’ve been saving for a special purpose. I purchased it about 10 years ago but whenever I need a new notebook, I always  go for the dollar-store ones first.

I finally decided on a use for this best notebook collecting favorite poem titles from poems I find on Twitter. And since I am reminded of the day I purchased the notebook each time I use it, I’ve been thinking about the people I met that day and looking up their names on Wikipedia. This weekend I discovered two of them have died. (Sigh.)

Nonetheless, this is an amusing story about meeting somewhat-famous people and how it doesn’t always go so well.

When we first moved to New Mexico in 2010 we lived in Santa Fe. I was working for ICANN in Los Angeles but working from home in Santa Fe. So I wasn’t meeting any new friends. This is partly because Santa Fe has become a wealthy and cliquish city. But also, I just wasn’t getting out. I met my friend Maryanne on a bus tour to see Greer Garson’s historic John Gaw Meem house on the Pecos River. For years, she was the only friend I had in Santa Fe.

I was even attempting to glom on to Monsieur Big Bang’s friends from Highlands University and the Georgia O’Keeffe museum. Well, I only did this once but I befriended one of his anthropology professors, a woman from Israel living in New Mexico to study Navajo culture. She was a cancer survivor and involved in a Santa Fe charity whereby seriously rich people were raising money to help poor, rural New Mexico cancer patients afford the stupidly expensive Santa Fe motels when they came in town for treatments.

So I would invite the Professor to dinner and she would invite me to these charity art shows and events in Santa Fe, One day the two of us traveled to the small New-Mexican town of Galisteo for the town’s home studio art tour. Because it’s always fun to go house to house and see everybody’s studio set up, especially in rural towns with especially high concentrations of artists.

Galisteo is interesting in itself.  All I ever knew about it was that Burl Ives lived there. If you drive through the town, it appears to be just another shady ancient and rundown New Mexican village. But shockingly those dilapidated-looking adobes are actually multi-million-dollar retirement homes. I remember the Professor telling me the CEO of Victoria’s Secret lived in one of them! How did those people even find out about Galisteo? And is it fair for a bunch of rich people to buy up a quaint little New Mexican village?

Anyway, so we went from swanky shack to swanky shack looking at everyone’s art spreads and we finished up at a house on a hill,  my Professor’s friend from the cancer charity, a French woman named Evelyn Franceschi.  She was a strikingly beautiful woman who had an attic full of delightfully charming French-looking  things she had made by hand: books, dolls, pictures. She even made her own French chocolates. (I bought some.) She was also quirky and charming and I bought the aforementioned notebook from her and loved it so much I hated to use it for ten years.

While we were there, another friend rode up on a motorcycle. We all stood in the dark, adobe living room chatting. Evelyne found out from the Professor that Monsieur Big Bang was working on an anthropology degree and Evelyne told me we should come back sometime to see petroglyphs on a mesa bordering their property (we never did). When the Professor told Evelyne I was a writer, she told me her husband was a writer, too, and had just written a book of local Galisteo history. I was very interested in reading about Galisteo that she told me I should ask her husband about it when he came back. As if on cue, her husband arrived minutes later. I went up to him and said, “Evelyne tells me you’re a writer. What sort of things do you write?”

I was expecting him to show me his stack of book copies on Galisteo history. But with a stone face he said, “I write plays.”

And I said, “Oh.”

I remember the sound of disappointment in my voice and I could even feel my face crumple up a bit at this unfortunate news. I mean plays are nice but how often do you meet a Galisteo historian?

And so that was the conversation killer. He looked at me with the face of someone who is annoyed that you do not know who he is, but not annoyed enough for him to tell you. We each went our separate ways and I never did learn the history of Galisteo.

The Professor and I took our leave and as we were walking to her car, her motorcycle friend comes up behind us. As she’s putting on her helmet she says to me, “You know who that was, don’t you?”

And I hate it when people say that because they know very well you don’t know who that was. But anyway I said, “No. Who?”

“He wrote The Elephant Man.”

“Oh…wow,” I said. “That is impressive.”

She told us he moved to Galisteo in order to not be found. His name was Bernard Pomerance and he died in 2017 of cancer. Evelynn died in 2015, about two years after we all met in her house in Galisteo. All things considered, I’m very happy to have this souvenir of my social awkwardness, this lovely notebook handmade by the charming Evelyn Franceschi, wife of the playwright who wrote The Elephant Man and possibly other bits of Galisteo history.

The Museum of Didion

I used to work with Natalie years ago at a company called Agribuys in Torrance, California. We’ve stayed friends and she came to visit last fall. While we were standing in the outdoor car of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad train in Northern New Mexico, she said the Joan Didion exhibit, (“Joan Didion, What She Means“), had finally opened at the Hammer Museum in LA. What? I completely lost track of that. And I had only two months left to see it!

Which I did finally in January with Julie (Natalie lives in the San Francisco Bay area) and we went right after my plane landed (and after a quick breakfast at the old stalwart Dinah’s). That’s how excited I was to make it the first thing in an event-packed weekend. It was raining the whole weekend, which drove people to do things they normally didn’t, like see museum exhibits and the Didion crowd was so big they had to break us up into two tours, one to start at the beginning of the exhibit and one to start and the end (our group).

After the first ten minutes of our guide drawing out visitor insights from two Anne Truitt and Martin Puryear abstracts (with questions like what does this say to you? And you? And you?) and nary a mention of Didion herself or what Hilton Als might have been thinking when adding the abstracts here, Julie and I peeled off to make our own way through the show.

And to be honest we kind of flitted through the five or six rooms because by this time we were tired and exasperated with the rain and the excitement of me being back in LA after a few Covid years. We focused mainly on the personal items and pop culture subjects, which generally happens with Julie and I are together and thinking with the same brain. I knew I’d need the book to make sense of how the original art pieces selected by Hilton Als all fit together in the Joan Didion story.

The exhibit was the brainchild of writer Hilton Als. In his essay he said he tends to like writers who are mental frontiersmen, writers who equivocate sometimes and writers who aren’t afraid to have second thoughts. Me too and I think that’s why I also like Lester Bangs (although he works in a much messier, wild west way). To see somebody change their mind is a very impressive thing.

And this wasn’t simply an exhibit of Joan Didion’s life, or her ideas or all the writings. It was an exhibit of how her experiences can intersect with the images and sculptures of other artists, artists who are thinking about the same dilemas or covering eras she had also lived in and wrote about.

Als talks about her flat tone, her family myths of self-reliance and pragmatism, the whole mythology of her ancestry of California frontiersman. She tired to “carry that on” in the vein of “seeds got carried.” But she later found those ideals were “recklessly self-inventing.” So important in my connection to Joan Didion. How our family histories try (and sometimes fail) to propel us. Als talks about her emotional detachment, her family idea that the future was a space (the West), a territory, a freedom, and yet how frontiers are susceptible, Didion came to feel, to kinds of “crackpot theories.” This is a concrete example of Manifest Destiny as a crackpot theory.

Als talks about her efforts in turning over the wounds of losing her daughter and husband prematurely, how astute she was about loss but how her attempts were ultimately failures to “understand what could not be understood.” He talks about Didion’s idea of how writers “look for stories that describe the self to the self.” But also how Didion was different in that she could find herself in other peoples’ stories, people who were very different from her. I always found this impressive, too. As humans, we don’t tend to do that.

Didion didn’t believe all the things she had written “add[ed] up” and she distrusted narrative resolutions, conclusions, wrap-ups, morals or even structural outlines.

Als talks about the great Didion gaze, her way of noticing, (I think in a very removed but emotional way), how she used her whiteness and frailness to expose lies and “the fakery involved” in not just Hollywood, an underbelly of which she was intimately familiar with, but also the great showbiz of politics, which she spent that later part of her career exploring.

Her tentative feminism: “Woman still rarely allow themselves the right to look at and talk about anything, let alone themselves…nice ladies turn away. They do no look but are looked at.” Such an awesome observation right there.

The exhibit’s commemorative book includes sections that depict each separate room of the show (in chronological eras of her life), all the gathered art pieces interspersed with brief biographies and an indicative essay from that era.

The first room was called Holy Water (covering the years of 1934-56) and it dealt mainly with the holiness of our early places, in Didon’s case the Sacramento area where she grew up.

The art pieces for this era were primarily about water, fluidity and movement. They included Wayne Thiebaud’s arial oil panting of farmlands, an Alma Ruth Lavenson photo of the northern CA landscape with a juniper, Chiura Obata’s woodblock print of a river mountain landscape and a Marven Hassinger sculpture which was basically a long chain and rope meant to symbolize a river. There was a video excerpt from John Wayne scene in Stagecoach (because Didion loved John Wayne),  family memorabilia, handmade maps of Sacramento, embroidery art and quotations about female creativity.

The next room, Goodbye To All That (1956-1963), depicted Didion’s time after leaving Sacramento for an opportunity to write fashion copy for Vogue Magazine in New York City, winning the same Prix de Paris award Sylvia Plath did years earlier (as fictionalized in The Bell Jar). Didion always claimed her writing style was “fashioned” here writing copy for Vogue and the occasional movie reviews, personal essays. It was during this time she met and married writer John Dunne (1964).

This room showed the upper-middle-class and society paintings of John Koch (depicting her own upbringing), Edward Hoppers’ “Office in a Small City,” the Todd Webb photo of Georgia O’Keeffe standing in her garage in front of her “Above the Clouds” painting, some Diane Arbus movie-themed photographs, the Vogue covers which had Didion pieces in them and her Prix de Paris Vogue announcement itself. One of the best juxtapositions was a Diane Arbus photograph of black transvestites next to a Richard Avedon photo of the Daughters of the Revolution. Both subjects had deadpan stares for the camera.

This section in the book ends with a good Didion essay from 1969 from Life Magazine,  “In Praise of Unhung Wreaths.”

The next room, The White Album (1964-1988), covers probably her peak period, when she wrote her most memorable and groundbreaking essay collections, novels and essays, and when she also started writing screenplays with John Dunne (A Panic in Needle Park, A Star is Born) because she said she didn’t want to teach. She also became a parent in this decade. She famously said during this time,

“We tell ourselves stories in order to live…We look for the sermon in the suicide, for the social or moral lesson in the murder of five. We interpret what we see, select the most workable of the multiple choices. We live entirely, especially if we are writers, by the imposition of a narrative line upon disparate images, by the “ideas” with which we have learned to freeze the shifting phantasmagoria which is our actual experience.”

Didion was starting to think about how writer’s think.

The art pieces include a sketch of Didion by Don Bachardy, a video clip playing from the movie of her book, Play it As It Lays showing Tuesday Weld driving around LA freeways. There are documentary photos of the unrest at the time, personal photos with Sharon Tate by Jay Sebring, the abstract Anne Truitt acrylic and, Martin Puryear etching and charcoal that sent us running from the tour, Noah Purifoy’s sculpture about the Watts Riots, Ed Ruscha’s photos of Santa Monica Boulevard and his fold-out lithograph of every building on the Sunset Strip, Jack Pierson’s set up of a record player on a table, Didion and Dunne’s screenplay movie posters, Los Angeles neighborhood photos by Henry Wessel, Garry Winogrand and William Eggleston, Robert Bechtle’s reproduction painting of a yellow Pinto in a driveway and photos of the Blank Panthers and Hells Angels which Didion wrote about. There are also Vogue photos of the interior of Didion’s Malibu house.

Her 1975 essay “Planting a Tree is Not a Way of Life” ends the section and is an almost perfect essay on the self-deception of the writer. It was a commencement speech delivered for the University of California-Riverside. “We all struggle to see what’s going on…that’s the human condition.”

The final room was called Sentimental Journeys (1988-2021) and it included later-day Juergen Teller photos of Didion, Doninique Nabakov’s areal photo entitled “Jogger in the Park,“ Cuban artists Ana Mendieta’s areal photographs of blood in the surf, works of other Cuban artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Salvadorian artists Ronald Moran and Walterio Iraheta (interesting photographs of worn Salvadorian shoes).

The last essay was “The Year of Hoping for Stage Magic” about the creation of the Broadway stage production of The Year of Magical Thinking.

I actually get a lot out of these artist mash-up exhibits, making connections between different types of artists and thinkers, looking for conversations in art pieces. It reminds me of one of my favorite books produced for an exhibit at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe. It was called Shared Intelligence, American Painting and the Photograph and it showed how the early modernist photographers and painters were conversing with each other through their work.

It looks like the next stop in my Joan Didion obsession is going to be the New York Public Library once they finally acquire and process all of Didion and Dunne’s personal papers. Can’t wait.

AI Aiyee!

I’ve been telling people this week about what a dumpster fire my life is at the moment what with various things going awry, (job things, neighborhood things, sick friends, old dogs, and many, many more).

For example, I wanted long hair when I was young and my mother would not allow it, mostly based on her own aggravating childhood experiences of her mother brushing her long hair while she practiced piano but also because she said she knew me very well and I would never brush it. And if I didn’t brush it, spiders would nest in it. That’s what she said.

I thought, hmmm…not a deal breaker.

So what happens this morning? Ok, she was right. I don’t brush my hair very often, but seriously? I suppose you could say this is a dumpster fire of my own making but that’s not the point. The point is, that spider could have picked any other week to go for my long, unbrushed hair.

So anywho, I’ll be using a few dumpster fire pics to describe the new normal for poets and other writers in the shadow of Artificial Intelligence, another dumpster, another fire.

Everyone everywhere is talking about Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and the astounding (and creatively off-putting) gains it has made in the last few months with the release of ChatGPT.

When I was last in LA in April, my friends and I went to the Marina del Rey restaurant Dear Jane’s and our friendly waiter there,  (who had just moved to LA from Atlanta), told us he was using ChatGPT to write a script for a sitcom about a restaurant where he was once employed. He said he just plugged in all the characters and some scenarios and bada-bing-bada-boom! The script was done.

Forget for a moment the cliché that every waiter in LA is writing a Hollywood script. We have more pressing problems.

I also have a friend from Sarah Lawrence who now works as an editor at a very prominent magazine in New York City. She told us the writers there are being told they have to use ChatGPT for first drafts (save us all time, you know). The writers there are very unhappy about it. Even the young digital natives are upset. Everyone can see the writing on the wall here.

For years, we’ve been letting AI learn from us everywhere from Grammerly to auto-correct to auto-suggest. And we’re so cheap and frugal. We’ll happily be lab rats as long as the App is free. As they once said in the documentary, “The Social Dilemma,” if you didn’t pay for the product, the product is you.

So here we are. Flood under the bridge.

I’ve been saying for years writers shouldn’t feel so threatened by AI since nobody wants to hear what machines have to say. We’re human beings wanting to connect with other human beings about the human being experience. I was even reminded of this while attending my niece’s graduation from Perdue in Indiana last month. We talked about AI there too. At dinner when someone suggested the commencement speeches might someday be written by AI, everyone noticeably cringed.

The table was full of engineers who had plenty to say about AI. First the engineers informed us it was really machine learning we’re talking about, not AI. (I still don’t know the difference.) My brother Andrew, his ex-wife Maureen and her best friend are all computer engineers and they had a mini-debate at the table about whether or not we could use tools to detect things created by AI.

That debate started because I lamented AI would probably affect all future literary submissions to magazines. Now this is one thing I hadn’t thought about before when I insisted people don’t want to hear poems, music and stories created by machines. We still don’t want to but what we want only matters if nobody ever lies.

And as we know, people love to lie.

So, for example, how will a literary magazine be able to tell, post ChatGPT, whether a submission has been written by a human being or a machine? We’re on the honor system now. And the problem is letting machines write your poems is easier than doing it yourself. And we all know people who care more about getting published than they do about authorship in the first place. Why wouldn’t they let a machine try to create something that would get their name in print and then just lie.

I didn’t think about the lies.

How do we even prove we’ve created something? I’m imagining a scenario like Melanie Griffith in the movie Working Girl where she’s explaining to Harrison Ford the long and winding way she came up with her business idea to prove her boss, the lying Sigourney Weaver, did not.

And what’s to stop a literary magazine from one day deciding to let a machine write the whole thing? It’s a lot easier than dealing with those pesky, needy writers. And who would even know? Who would even be able to tell? Do we even have the time to even try to figure it out?

My brother thinks we’ll soon have machine tools to be able to suss out tell-tale markers of creative AI content. My other brother Randy then said “But won’t AI then just get smarter to outsmart the tools?” To which Andrew replied that the tool will just get smarter then too.

Oy. Sounds like a lot of work.

And then having worked in the Internet business for a while myself, I can see how even AI might not be able to slog through the onslaught of information burying us these days, (AI could process it but could it find what’s meaningful for us?)  or even more distressing, I can see how one bug in the program could cause a lot of damage. Happens every day. We’re not smart enough to make perfect AI. (Although some day AI could be conceivably smart enough.)

Some people are even worried AI could cause not only the loss of all our professions, but the demise of humanity itself! Some alarming scenarios are proposed in an article in this week’s The Week. I’ve been talking about some of these apocalyptic scenarios with my Dad (a former computer hardware mechanic and software programmer) for years. But he sides with the machines! “Good-bye to bad rubbish,” I think he said. No help or sympathy there.

I spoke to my cousin Mark about it last Saturday. He says what I hear most of my writer friends say, “I’m just glad I’m at the end of my career and/or life.” But if you believe at all in reincarnation, you’ll probably just get reborn decades down the line, right back into this flaming dumpster fire so that’s not a real hope of escape. Besides, I’ve got maybe 40 years left if my family genes hold up. I’m not planning on retiring from creating.

My cousin Mark also said he’s heard about people  forming communities around the idea of only consuming creative material made before 2023. And honestly, if each of us just tried to consume the mountains of creative material at our disposal made before 2023, we’d never run out of music, poems, fiction, movies, or TV shows. We’ve surely got enough stuff.

But that’s still not very comforting.

Creators might have to live with creating on a much smaller scale, with just a small circle of readers. Because the joy of making art isn’t just in consuming it. Humans love to make it. Making it, in fact, might be the most pleasurable part. And at the very least, we know whether we made it or not.

It feels like a big dumpster fire in the making. Let’s just all stop brushing our hair in protest.

So That Happened

So as of late last week, all my websites have been moved. I was delayed one week off the master plan by a nasty bronchitis infection and a last-minute trip to LA to meet with ICANN and visit the LA Times Book Festival. More to come on the book festival. And I know I also owe this site a review of the Joan Didion exhibit from the LA trip before that (it’s half done).

Cher Scholar is back up and pontificating and finishing up the four-year review of all Cher’s television shows from the 70s and 80s. And this site, Big Bang Poetry, is slowly waking up as well with a few new essays and reviews of essays. I have a big stack of poetry books to review. The last site to move,, was the most complicated lift (with all its axillary pieces), but I’m back to adding and continuing its digital explorations. The popular pages have been updated as well, like the Difficult Book page.

Buy oy vey! It’s been a trial. Maybe this is why I’ve been sick four times since Thanksgiving.

There’s still plenty of work left to do, like find and fix each site’s broken parts and figure out what to do about site measurement.

But the ordeal is officially over. I think we can all agree to pretend the last six months just didn’t happen. Boo.  I’ll be working on some offline projects, too, including a long epic I’m working on, a history poetry project and I have to get some health stuff taken care of due to the aforementioned four take-downs, possibly some ICANN news coming up, a lot going on.

Thanks for hanging in there or returning to see the dust settle.

The Essay Project: Articles from The Atlantic

Organizing my stack of essays last year I found a group of Atlantic essays in various locations. The first one was “The Mad Poets Society” by Alex Beam from the July/August 2001 issue which was basically a review of all the poets who had been through the McLean Mental Hospital in Massachusetts, “for years America’s most literary mental institution,” the hospital having touched (no pun intended) such poets as Ralph Waldo Emerson (his brothers were there), William James (maybe he was there), Sylvia Plath (was a patient), Robert Lowell (was a patient) and Anne Sexton (was both a patient and a seminar teacher).

Beam says, “Madness came out of the closet in their writings and even acquired a certain cachet.” In fact, “McClean chic” culminated when the memoir and movie Girl, Interrupted referred to it in the 1990s.

Beam gathers up poems of Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell and Anne Sexton dealing with the hospital and  their experiences there as covered in the books The Bell Jar, Life Studies and The Awful Rowing Toward God.

In light of that article, it was interesting to also find this Atlantic piece from January 1965 by Peter Davidson called “The Madness of New Poetry,” a piece that traced trendy madness in poetry back to the French Revolution’s “roster of mad poets” and the madness inherent in Modernism.

“Poetry has suffered long from the preponderance of the idea that it exists to scratch the poet’s itch. When madness enters in, the poet may try to cure himself upon the page, or to drive himself on to further intoxications of madness. If madness damages poetry, poetry must be defended. The poet as poet bears responsibility for the excellence and wholeness of his poem more than for the self’s wholeness, no matter how mad he happens to be. In examining some of the books of verse published in the last year, I have kept in mind poetry before madness. Let us watch the outcome of each struggle.”

And so the article turns into an interesting first impression of some of our most famously mad books of contemporary poetry: John Berryman’s 77 Dream Songs, now known as The Dream Songs, Robert Lowell’s Life Studies, William Meredith’s The Wreck of the Thresher and Other Poems and Theodore Roethke’s The Far Field.

Then there was a March 1999 article by David Barber called “What Makes Poetry ‘Poetic” about how poetry isn’t what it used to be since (blah blah blah)… the talkies….and it’s all now just secret societies…and then he goes into a review of then-Poet-Laureate Robert Pinksky’s book The Sounds of Poetry, which he says, “emerges as an invigorating session of talking shop. Why are poems written in lines, and why do the lines break when they do? How do the mechanics of English meter operate and why is it that artful verse measure is seldom strictly regular. How can a reader acquire a reliable feel for the qualities of rhythm, tempo, and cadence that give a memorable poem its visceral appeal and expressive resonance? Is ‘free verse’ really free – and if so what has it been liberated from?”

Then in April 2000 there was an article about poets celebrating these newfangled things called audio files, “High-Performance Poets” by Wen Stephenson.  This was an interesting review of how poets read their poems as Stephenson judged from the newly-released audio recordings on err…cassette tapes from The Voice of the Poet series put out by Random House. It bears repeating this was the year 2000. Compact discs were still a thing, as were CD-Roms and the Internets were still young. Stephenson says, “such a conspicuously low-tech approach might seem quaint, populist, or retro depending upon one’s inclination.”

Last year I just bought a small stack of poet recordings of their readings on vinyl. So I can’t say anything. I was trying to imagine a character for a story who would only have sex to recordings of poets reading their poems on vinyl. I think this needs testing out.

Stephenson reviews some Dylan Thomas recordings and Thomas’ thoughts about reading poems aloud. He also reviews W. H. Auden recordings which he describes as “studious flatness and semi-detachment.” He compares an early and late readings, Auden’s 1939 reading of “In Memory of W.B. Yeats” and a later reading of “As I Walked Out one Evening.”

He then covers Sylvia Plath’s 1962 readings where “she does not exaggerate or melodramatize—she lives the poems, and the intensity is almost unbearable.” Sounds fun. This particular recording might have damaged him because at the end Stephenson decides the authorial reading “can become the ‘authoritative’ reading” and that can become “a tyranny” so he felt he had to read poems aloud again to himself to break the spell.

My copy of the article links to many recordings but the now-archived online version of the piece dispenses with maintaining those links because like…YouTube.

Next was the April 1996 article “The Matter of Poetry” also by Wen Stephenson. This article was meant to mark the first annual National Poetry Month, initiated by the Academy of American Poets and the poet laureate at the time, Robert Hass. The Atlantic resurrected the discussion in Dana Gioia’s essay “Can Poetry Matter?“ and Joseph Epstein’s screed “Who Killed Poetry?” and determined that “Like priests in a town of agnostics, [poets] still command a certain residual prestige. But as individual artists they are almost invisible.” Stephenson quotes W.H. Auden who famously said “poetry makes nothing happen” but then maintains in the end that “nevertheless [it’s] also true that individuals do make things happen and surely poetry makes something happen within individuals.” Fair enough.

And finally a few months ago, I received an email from someone stating they hated poetry and were looking for other people hated it too. So I suggested a book called The Hatred of Poetry by Ben Lerner which I found out about in this October 2016 Atlantic article “Why Some People Hate Poetry” by Adam Kirsch.

This article also references the Dana Gioia article but also Mark Edmundson’s “Poetry Slam: Or, the Decline of American Verse.” Kirsch (based on Lerner’s book) determines that “poetry is a gauge of our mutual connection. If we can’t speak the language of poetry, it is a sign that human communication has been blocked in a fundamental way. This feeling of failure is what explains why people tend to hate poetry, rather than simply being indifferent to it. Poetry is the site and source of disappointed hope….not just individual and spiritual, but collective and political.”

Ben Lerner, in The Hatred of Poetry, since we’re talking about it, traces his experiences with poetry back to an uncomfortable incident with poetry in his 9th grade English class in 1967.

By the way, one of the best parts of the book are the “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” inspired sign-post notes sardonically dotting the outer margins.

Lerner places the problem with our high expectations that poems will be transcendent and yet they remain so earth-bound. “The poet is a tragic figure. The poem is always a record of failure.”

Poetry is one of those things. You love it or hate it. I read plenty of poems that take the top of my head off. And I hear that sentence, “It took the top of my head off” from a plethora of other poetry readers. But I get what Lerner is saying. We’re sort of trained to all the subtle epiphanies, as longtime readers. The general reader might find disappointment right where I’m searching the shag rug for the top of my head.

“I am convinced,” Lerner says, “that the embarrassment, or suspicion, or anger that is often palpable…derives from this sense of poetry’s tremendous social stakes (combined with a sense of its tremendous social marginalization)…’poetry’ denotes an impossible demand.” This explains why it is often “periodically denounced as opposed to simply dismissed.”

In light of the lack of fame to be found as a poet, (“no poets are famous among the general public”), he talks about the baffling need for some aspiring poets to see their work in print at any cost and the imploring letters editors receive declaring things like, “I don’t know how long I have to live.” He questions their attempts to “secure and preserve their personhood in a magazine that no one they know will see. It is as though the actual poem and publication do not matter; what matters is that the poet will know and can report to others that she is a published poet [yea, he goes with a ‘she’ there], a distinction that nobody–not Death, not the social death of exclusion from the Law–can take from her. Poetry makes you famous without an audience.”

He’s describing the narcissistic contemporary thirst of our time, at least among aspiring poets.

Lerner goes on to talk about Plato’s belief in the nefarious power of poetry and poetry under totalitarian regimes. He covers Sir Philip Sidney’s belief that poetry can move us, “put us in touch with what’s divine in us.” Lerner admits John Keats has never taken him into a trancelike state like for so many other readers, but then he admits he prefers the dissonant sound of Emily Dickinson. He talks about the avant guardes and how manifestos are more widely read than actual poems. And then he also laments “poetry’s failure to achieve any real political effects” either.  “The avant-garde is a military metaphor that forgets it is a metaphor.”

Lerner laments the lack of oratory in caucasion poetry (poets are general where they should be specific and specific where they should be general) but then later comes back to the fact of marginalized poets and their performances. By the end, he takes aim at some of the very critics who make claims such as his. He identifies that somehow, Robert Lowell speaks for everyone but Sylvia Plath speaks only for women. These “readings lead us to suspect [their author’s] believe that white men will fail better.”

He reviews Claudia Rankine’s work to show what lyric poetry can do in our time and quotes her  to say “If we continue to think of the ‘universal’ as better-than, as the pinnacle, we will always discount writing that doesn’t look universal because it accounts for race or some other demeaned category. The universal is a fantasy.”

Philip Levine Is Not My Poet

Young Philip LevineOk, this will be a long, long ride. But there’s some bling at the end so hang in there.

So, it turns out Philip Levine is not my poet. Over the last few decades I’ve kept re-evaluating him occasionally in an attempt to get him to be my poet, the poet for whom I will feel compelled to be a completist. But although I appreciate his working-class poetics, his steely anger, his metal stanzas, his bloody, gut-riddled feels, his down-to-earthiness and his having the courage of his convictions (as my grandfather used to say… and I would like to think about how happy my socialist grandfather would be to know Levine was my socialist working-class poet), he is not my poet.

In light of that, what follows might seem like a surprising elegy, considering he is not my poet. But even though I appreciate many things about Levine, most of the poems can can be a bit…dry. And I’m not one to normally agree with Helen Vendler and Robert Pinsky, but I have to admit there was a watered-down feeling in much of what I read and I would often drift off in the middle of his poems.

But make no mistake, he has many, many defenders who appreciate just this kind of straight-spoken delivery, what I would call blandness. Maybe it’s his commitment to certain set of words or his syllabic lines that determine some arbitrary-seeming line breaks. More on all that later.

Over the last year I’ve four books of poems, two books of essays by Levine, one book of interviews, a book of essays from former mentees and students and a book explicating his long(ish) poems.

Coming Close, Phlip LevineI connected with him most as a poet-person, as do many of his former students. Although the book of essays about him as a teacher, Coming Close, Forty Essays on Philip Levine (2013), was of little use to anyone beyond a kind of insiders roster of his friends and students. Although he was seemingly an amazing and life-changing teacher, the essays were very repetitive and a few could have stood in for the main points. There’s little to no commentary on his writing although many of his students do talk about their first encounter with his poems and how that led to them to pursue him as a teacher.

Some highlights:

Aaron Belz says, “Levine is an authentic skeptic, one who sees good things as bonuses and doesn’t take himself or other people too seriously. Failures and successes are to be expected in equal measure along the way.”

Xochiquetzal Candelaria mentions two poems, “The Simple Truth” and “In the Dark,” as particular poems that reflect the spirit of Philip Levine and goes on to say, “a great teacher can imbue an experience with something sacred, something mutual, so that you check your identity at the door, if you know what’s good for you.”

A Levine quote toward the end of the same essay talks about humor in poetry (which we will get back to at the end of this):

“Of course art is about sustaining contradiction. Of course you’re angry and laughing at the same time. Of course you come to language, history, and love with a skeptical heart. Poems should embody negative capability.”

Ishion Hutchinson captures Levine directly talking about humor, “You know Ishion, humor is one of the great universal conditions your work could benefit from.” Hutchinson goes on to quote Henri Bergson saying, “laugher always implies a kind of secret freemasonry, or even complicity.”

Michael Collier identifies Levine with this paraphrase of Muriel Rukeyser from William Meredith, “that her life and art were seamless, ‘you couldn’t get a knife between those two things.’”

Mark Levine quotes Philip Levine as saying, “There’s only one reason to write poetry. To change the world.”

~ ~ ~

Don't Ask, Philip LevineThe interviews, Don’t Ask (1981), were bewilderingly crusty. “Who cares what I think,” he keeps asking. “I’ve changed my mind so many times about so many things that all that seems certain is that I’ll change it again.” His interviews are full of contradictions and stubbornness. Most people who comment on Levine mention how funny he was in person, but you couldn’t tell from these early interviews.

But one interviewer here does mentions that Levine is not all that serious despite the desolation in his poems. He quotes Levine as saying, “at times you must be prepared not to take me seriously.”

That said, there are a litter of ‘nos’ sprinkled in every interview. One interviewer picks up on this tendency in his poems and says, “There’s a resounding no in some of your poems. They don’t agree, of course, with anything. They disagree with everything.” Levine’s answer is predictably disagreeable, “I don’t feel that way about them.”

And he insists he’s not a philosopher. “My poems are not answers.” But sometimes his grouchiness feels really nice, like in this little screed:

“If you give prizes and you know how careless that awarding is and how accidental it is, it seems to me that when you get one and confuse it with genuine merit you’re just an idiot—you’re just a person who wants to be deluded. I’ve gotten a lot of awards and I take the money and I spend it. I have a car. I have this house…I have all this hair. But I don’t confuse that with a literary success that has any significance. I’m glad all those things happened, but I don’t confuse it with writing well.”

He’s also got the occasional wisdom to hurl out, like “I don’t think anyone ever found his own voice, it found him.”

Another one about writing the poem “Salami:” “It was one of those times you know you’re going to write a poem and it’s going to be a poem that’s going to carry a lot of yourself.”

He does, in fact, sound like he was an exceptionally good teacher. “I’m a different guy. I have to find the way in which I can write best and pursue it, and encourage other people to find their way, and not belabor them with my way.”

~ ~ ~

Bread of Time, Philip LevineI loved best the two personal collections of essays, The Bread of Time, Toward an Autobiography (1993) and My Lost Poets, a Life in Poetry (2016). They are both funny and friendly, self-deprecating yet rock-sold with an underlying confidence.

The essay “Entering Poetry” is indicative of what kind of poet Levine was as he describes discovering the power of words at age 13. This is not a poet of fancy architecture and whirligig words. Levine describes the power of his early incantations (“transformative power” as Peter Everwine puts it). Poetry is a power-source, the whole thing, (reading, writing, honoring). The experience of it is as crucial to Levine as the craft or exploration of its mechanisms. One of the most famous essays in the book is “Mine Own John Berryman” (about his days as Berryman’s student at the Iowa Writing Workshop), but his “Holy Cities” essay and the one about the Yvor Winters years at Stanford were equally interesting.


“Walt Whitman, who over a hundred years ago created not only their own gigantic works but the beginnings of something worthy enough to be American poetry, and they did it out of their imaginations and their private studies and nothing more. But, then, they had the advantage of being geniuses.” (“Mine Own John Berryman”)

“I had hoped to make clear that our obsessions and concerns came to us and not we to them, and that whatever poets are given to write should be accepted as a gift they can only regard with awe and modesty.” (“The Holy Cities”)

“I am pleased I did not fulfill the expectations of my class…my years in the working class were merely a means of supporting my own. My life in the working class was intolerable only when I considered the future and what would become of me if nothing were to come of my writing. In once sense I was never working-class, for I owned the means of production, since what I hoped to produce were poems and fictions. In spite of my finances I believe I was then freer than anyone else in this chronicle.

In order to marry and plunder a beautiful and wealthy woman I did not have to deny I was a Jew; for the sake of my self-esteem I did not have to reign like a chancellor over my family and my servants; in order to maintain my empire I did not have to fuel it with years of stifling work; in order to insure my legacy I did not have to drive my sons into the hopelessness of imitating my life.

Of course it meant years of living badly, without security or certainty, what I have called elsewhere ‘living in the wind,’ but it also meant I could take my time, I could take what Sterling Brown called my ‘blessed time,’ because after all, along with myself, it was the only thing I had.” (from “Class with No Class”)

“He [John Keats] knew something that I wouldn’t learn for years: that beauty mattered, that it could transform our experience into something worthy, that like love it could redeem our lives. I wanted fire and I wanted gunfire, I wanted to burn down Chevrolet and waste the government of the United States of America.” (from “The Poet in New York in Detroit”)

“Not believing in the power of prayer, I had only one alternative: to learn what work is.” (from “The Bread of Time Revisited”)

My Lost Poets, Philip LevineThe second book of essays is more of a mishmash of pieces Levine was working on before he died (in 2015) and found lectures and articles to fill in the gaps. Levine talks about his early experiences among poets in Detroit, a tribute to his favorite literary journal, kayak, and the power of finding compatriots. He talks about Detroit as a place and the idea of a city loving you back. There are essays about his love of William Carlos Williams, Roberta Spear, William Wordsworth, John Keats and Larry Levis. There’s an essay revisiting John Berryman later in his life, one about his love for Detroit jazz and the poems inspired by it.

His first essay connects his love of war poetry with his meeting of Detroit’s World War II vets at a monthly gathering at Wayne State University. These were some of the first, living poetry readers he had ever encountered. He gives us a primer in some of his favorite war poems:

Levine defends these poems as not “simply reportage” but pieces that required both nerve and craft. There’s a whole essay on the Spanish Civil War poets he loved and helped to translate  including “How Much for Spain?” by Michael Quinn, (a poem he found in Cary Nelson’s anthology rediscovering socialist and Spanish Civil War poems, Revolutionary Memory).  Another good poem in the essay was his own “The Return: Orihuela, 1965.”

Some other highlights:

“There are those rare times in my life when I know that what I’ve living is in a poem I’ve still to write. As we sat, I took in as much of the scene as I could until my eyes were filled with so much seeing I finally had to close them.” (from “Nobody’s Detroit”)

He talks about a Detroit motto, “We hope for better things; it will arise from the ashes” and how it connects to his own sensibilities: “…we Detroiters created self-destructs, while the trees…head straight skyward. I like to imagine the delicate leaves of those birch trees, each one bearing a poem to the heavens, an original poem, wise and stoic, from a sensibility that has seen it all.”

Some key Levine words there: stoic, seen it all.

In the essay on Keats and Wordworth, Levine talks about the lost opportunities of Wordsworth who tried to “revise the greatest work of his past,” namely “The Prelude.” Levine says, “The failure on Wordsworth’s part has become for me an emblem of how we lose what is most precious in the act of saving oneself from the expenditure of feeling and the uncertainty involved in the risking the self.” (from “Getting and Spending”)

~ ~ ~

The Long EmbraceSome good explication on Levine’s technique can be found in the book The Long Embrace, Contemporary Poets on the Long Poems of Philip Levine (2020) edited by Christopher Buckley.

The book clearly states how Levine is a specific kind of writer.  Peter Everwine mentions that poet Yvor Winters taught Levine: “First, do not write in ‘the language of princes;’ second, a hope that no one would ever read one of his poems and say, ‘Wow! What a vocabulary!’ Words were meant to be transparent, a clarity through which the importance of the poem could be reached; if anything, to disappear rather than draw attention to themselves. Syllabics provided Phil with a ‘voice’ and a rhythm of speech…”

Glover Davis talks about the importance for Levine to “be a witness and a speaker, despite the inevitable failure to be heard” and this I think is where Levine was drawing power, not from the magic of the words and sentences. Like for other activist writers, for Levine clarity trumped glitter, “poems were ethical and moral teaching…one must never lie.”

These prescriptive “must” statements always try to set such small limits on what poetry should and can be and they inevitably fail to account for the motivations of all poets.

Glover expands on the idea of Levine’s syllabics. “In syllabic meter, no stresses would be counted as they are in accentual meter, no metrical accents…Levine would soon begin his transition to free verse with enumeration, phrasal repetitions and anaphora.”

Christopher Howell talks about Levine’s “great economy and tonal precision.”

Mark Jarman agrees, that “his style…tends toward minimalism” and he describes Levine’s style as one that “serves to create the tone of anger that runs through [his] poetry. Levine once said in an interview that he loves anger…so much of the anger of his poetry is occasioned by a sense of outrage at injustice…”

Kevin Clark calls it “an articulate, rhythmic, melodic snarl.”

It’s possible the simplified clarity is meant to offset the danger of his anger spinning-out his verse.

Jarman also says that “critics have complained that there is little or no ambiguity in Levine’s work, nothing of the imagination to nurture…such criticism comes from literal-minded readers who cannot fathom the complexities Levine creates with a few strokes.”

One thing to notice is how defensive Levine’s defenders are. I wonder if some of the nuances in Levine’s poetry are missed by certain readers (such as me) because we miss certain verbal cues. And so what reads as blandness springs open for other readers who understand these clues.

Like Kate Daniels, for example, who admits “his thematic content…resonated with my own background…feisty, working class, and occasionally profanely angry…tales of the ‘unpoetic’ lives of the underclass had been liberated at last into poetry. Reading him, I felt exultant and epic.”

My age might also be an issue here. By the 1990s, Sarah Lawrence was full of poets trying to capture the feisty working class, especially since New York City was allegedly full of feisty characters. This was no longer a novel subject by that time. In fact, it had become an affectation for every suburban writer to try to get into the head of more gritty subjects.

Daniels says she tried to emulate his “down-to-earth subject matter, plain-style diction and accessibility.” Later she says she didn’t want her writers to “gussie it up with extraneous language…stick to the meat and potatoes…why put fancy sauces on top of the good stuff?”

This is a great depiction of the differences in taste for both poems and suppers. Full disclosure, I am a sauce guy. You should see my potatoes? You should find my potatoes! All the things. And I like bling. So this is exactly where I find the toast of Levine a bit dry and in need of jam. But that’s just me.

I also wonder if you look for poets who reflect your peer and social group, just as most people select their music. This would explain my preference for more flamboyant poets, relatively speaking.

Kevin Clark calls what Levine does “psychological naturalism…deceptively complex.” Clark says, “critics have a mistaken tendency to find his oeuvre anti-modernist and thin on depth and originality” but that his poems are “both formally inventive and emotionally resonant.”

I agree that Levine’s poems are sometimes emotionally resonant but my feelings of blandness are not to do with any love of modernism, which can be just as academically and cerebrally bland.

Clark also takes issue with Helen Vendler’s “once infamous and erroneously asserted” review of Levine that stated she was “not convinced that Levine’s observations and reminiscences belong in lyric poems, since he seems so inept at what he thinks of as the obligatory hearts-and-flowers endings…”

Crusty Vendler, yes. But, to be honest, Levine doesn’t traffic in this kind of poetry and he is not one to cater to the magic trick of the big finish. He’s not wrong in that, but Vendler is probably suggesting there’s a vanishing point for poetry, where polemics and memoir cease to become poetry. I get her point.

Clark states that “Vendler’s assumption is a misguided as believing that Levine’s men and women are too simple to be of interest…I would guess that a critic like Vendler, who famously praises the intellectually dense constructions of poets such as [Wallace] Stevens and Jorie Graham, would find so much feeling suspect—and would fail to recognize Levine’s artfulness in the face of his passions. She’d also fail to see the very complexities of those passions. Modernism (and post-modernism) has always favored experiment over the everyday poles of human emotion.”

Really though?

It seems this is more an argument about genre than craft. Vendler may be a classist, but there are plenty of working-class poets who take working-class subjects and write very experimentally about them and with great fanfare. It’s a mix-and-match bag, subject and style.

And so the bitch-fight between activism and experimentalism continues, both sides feeling personally threatened by the other.

Clark insists that Levine is a “serious poet who captures the daily agonies of working life.”

Kathy Fagan takes aim at Robert Pinsky whom she says claimed that Levine “displayed a deficiency of thought” (her words) and a “monotony of feeling and repetitiousness of method, [producing] a dark, sleepy air.”

Well…I did drift off a little.

Christine Kitano has an interesting theory about how Levine uses autobiography to “elevate the personal to the level of mythic significance” and she quotes his poem “Late Night:”

….My father told
me this, he told me it ran
downtown and pilled into
the river, which in tern
emptied finally into the sea.
He said this only once
while I sat on the arm
of his chair and stared out
at the banks of gray snow.

(Levine’s father died in 1933 when Philip was 5 years old.)

“…All the rest
of that day passed on
into childhood, into nothing,
or perhaps some portion hung
on in a tiny corner of thought.
Perhaps a clot of cinders
that peppered the front yard
clung to a spar of old weed
or the concrete lip of the curb
and worked its way back under
the new growth spring brought
and is a part of that yard

Richard Jackson explains Levine’s humility, “a kind…that is rare in contemporary poetry.” I think he’s on to something there, too. James Harms may agree when he notes Levine’s poetry is a “return to this notion of a poetry that resists direct engagement, that strives for a little less.” Later in the essay he says, “the beauty of artifice, when it’s successful, is transparency.”

Harms also talks about the tension in the poems between “pushing back against the poetic traditions of the day” and how Levine also “learned at the knee of poets deeply schooled in that formalist tradition.” He references Levine’s classic poem about brotherhood, “You Can Have It” and it’s worth a stop here to read the poem in full.

The ending:

“Give me back my young brother, hard
and furious, with wide shoulders and a curse
for God and burning eyes that look upon
all creation and say, You can have it.”

~ ~ ~

And then there are the poems themselves, the core of the machine as it were, some of which are undoubtedly classics of 1960s, 70s and 80s poetry, fully deserving of the literary canon, poems in Not This Pig, What Work Is, They Feed They Lion and The Names of the Lost.

Not This Pig, Philip LevineThe Publishers Weekly review for Not This Pig (1968) explains Levine well: “Here you will get no avant-garde pyrotechnics.”

In these early poems, Levine is already touching on his beloved cities: Detroit, Frescno and Barcelona. There are his moments of moving bleakness, like in “A New Day”

“And what we get is what we bring:
A grey light coming on at dawn,
No fresh start and no bird song
And no sea and no shore
That someone hasn’t seen before.”

Similarly bleak is the line in “The Everlasting Sunday” where Levine “bowed my head/into the cold grey.”

And from “Above it All:”

“where nothing moved, nothing breathed
except one lone steam engine
pulling nothing, and the waves
which came at the shore as though
they mattered, row after row.”

He writes from Spain in “The Cartridges”

“First you, my little American, you bring
reports of everything I left behind,
and you, the hope of middle age, the game
I play with when sleep is everything.

And you, stupid, are a black hole in the air
and nothing more. I refuse to explain.
And you, all of whose names are simply Spain,
are every pure act I don’t dare.

This one has no name and no nation
and has been with me from the start. And you,
finally, you have a name I will not name, a face
I cannot face, you could be music, you

could be the music of snow on the warm plain
of Michigan, you could be my voice
calling to me at last, calling me out of Spain,
calling me home, home, home, at any price.”

Other great poems in total:


One of his most steely greatest hits, the canonized, “Animals Are Passing From Our Lives” which references the book’s title.

They Feed They Lion, Names of the Lost, Philip LevineThey Feed They Lion (1972) has some good stuff as well:

The expertly rendered, “Cry For Nothing

Coming Home, Detroit, 1968

The infamous rage of “They Feed They Lion

From “Autumn “

“I stand
in a circle of light, my heart
pounding and pounding at the door
of its own wilderness.

A small clearing
in the pins, the wind
talking through the high trees,
we have water, we
have air, we have bread, we have
a rough shack whitening,
we have snow on your eyelids,
on your hair.”

How Much Can It Hurt

From the “If He Ran” section of “Thistles”

“He feels the corners
of his mouth pull down,
his eyes vague.
Some old poet
would say, Bereft.
He thinks, Up Tight,
Fucked Over, trying to walk
inside my life.”

From “Dark Rings”

“The sun hangs
under the rim of night
waiting for the world.”

From “The Way Down”

“and now the tight rows of seed
bow to the earth
and hold on and hold on.”

From “Breath”

“you go
about your life one
more day. I give you
almond blossoms
for your hair, your hair
that will be white, I give
the world my worn-out breath
on an old tune, I give
it all I have
and take it back again.

In The Names of the Lost (1976), he revisits his great love poem with “Autumn Again.” “A Late Answer” is also good. Many of Levine’s poems were published in The New Yorker and anything published there is as good as lost to the sands of time, unless you have a subscription.

What Work Is, Philip LevineMy favorite book was clearly What Work Is (1991) by how I dog-eared the pages and this is also the book that had just come out when I first discovered Philip Levine.

In “Coming Close” he compares the perilous factory machine with a woman:

“Is she a woman?…
You must come closer
to find out, you must hand your tie
and jacket in one of the lockers…
hauling off the metal tray of stick,
bowing first, knees bent for a purchase,
then lifting with a gasp, the first word
of tenderness between the two of you,
then you must bring new trays of dull,
unpolished tubes. You must feed her,
as they say in the language of the place.
Make no mistake, the place has a language,”

Fire” (another New Yorker poem, so good luck with that.)

Every Blessed Day

Among Children

What Work Is” which ends,

“How long has it been since you told him
you loved him, held his wide shoulders,
opened your eyes wide and said those words,
and maybe kissed his cheek? You’ve never
done something so simple, so obvious,
not because you’re too young or too dumb,
not because you’re jealous or even mean
or incapable of crying in
the presence of another man, no,
just because you don’t know what work is.”

From “Snails”

“I was about to say something final
that would capture the meaning
of autumn’s arrival, something
suitable for bronzing,

Something immediately recognizable
and so large a truth it’s totally untrue,”

My Grave” (video)


Gin” (video)

Burned” (see how Poetry magazine provides its classic poems online for free? New Yorker I’m talking to you)

Soloing” (video)

“Coming of Age in Michigan”

The Sweetness of Bobby Hefka

“The Seventh Summer”

~ ~ ~

Older Philip LevineI want to close by saying that although there is much to love, there was one other thing I found disappointing in Levine’s poems, his lack of humor. And this is not because that is a requirement of my poets in any way. Anne Carson isn’t that much of a barrel of laughs, to be honest. Albert Goldbarth is very funny but he can be deadly serious too. Same with Kim Addonizio and any slew of poems I come across that are either funny or not so funny.

I can appreciate melodrama and tragedy just as much as the next reader, because I see tragedy and humor as essentially the same thing, one the flip-side of the other’s energy. I would argue the most tragic poets are also the funniest poets.

But the lack of humor poses two problems for me with Philip Levine. It’s on record that he was a funny guy (on video, with students, in essays and in interviews). He seems to withhold this from his poetry in large part. Which also indicates to me the second issue, his tragedy must be as muted as his humor. He’s taken the middle way.

So not only has part of his personality been eliminated from his poetic voice, but it feels like a necessary and lacking ingredient missing in the message itself. This might seem counterintuitive, but again I would argue that when we feel more deeply in one direction, we feel more deeply in them all.

You can see this in people who lived through traumatic situations, how they gravitate to gallows humor. They need it. It solves a problem in their despair. They use it to cope. And somehow, the more horrific things get, the funnier they get too. Absurdity is both heartbreaking and very funny. Because joy and despair move out into the spaces of our psyches in equal measures.

If I have missed some side-splitting Levine poems, please send them to me. I have already stated my inability to be a Levine completist. And if I have already read some funny poems in the books I’ve encountered, I’m more than willing to believe I could have missed some humorous nuance. Not an impossibility.

I could imagine Levin saying his poems aren’t funny because poetry to him is deadly serious and that his poems are deadly serious. Because life is serious. I don’t imagine him saying this about all funny poems that exist or about any particularly humorous poets. Maybe he would just say this about himself. He seems like a poet who felt he owed his past something serious, his people something serious, his Detroit. And maybe it wasn’t f**king funny.

There’s nothing is wrong with this point of view. It’s reasonable.

I just have happened to have thought about this funny thing for quite a long time. And I just can’t agree that there is no employment for comedy in a serious world, especially if humor is already an organic part of our personalities.

And undoubtedly things have become deadly serious. Could Levine even have imagined the circumstances we live in today? I have a feeling he saw all of this coming quite clearly.

And yes, current events have made me challenge and re-evaluate emotionally the ideas I’ve always had intellectually: is there a place for humor in a tragic world?

I’m under no delusion that comedy can fix the deadly seriousness anymore than poems can or paintings or music or any other kind of art could. But our job as jesters or artists or poets isn’t to do that anyway.

Part of our job is, no question, one of witness. But we have other jobs, too: to help ourselves cope and to help the people actually doing the fixing and the fighting cope with their own feelings. (And this might entail some sparkle and gravy from time to time.)

Artists often find themselves confused on this point. We find ourselves in a crisis of profession when we don’t see ourselves as the fixers, when we don’t see ourselves in the hero positions.

We may not be the heroes.  We might be the silliness or the loveliness or the roughness or the absurdity that illustrates to everyone the value proposition of this tragic life, the joy and the woebegone we are fighting for and fighting over.

Anger and humor work in sympatico, I believe.

You don’t have to be funny to be my poet; but if you are funny and hold back, that’s really frustrating to me and kind of leaves me feeling empty. Because you never found a place for this part of your being in service of the fight.

All that said, read Philip Levine. He is an important poet, whether mine or not.

~ ~ ~

Incredible Postscript!

So something incredible happened after I finished this essay yesterday, March 23, but before I published it. I received a book from Amazon yesterday afternoon while I was finishing up three essays, (this one, the Proust piece and the Challenger essay). It was a crazy work day yesterday with Zoom meetings all day. A plumber was at the house fixing a toilet. The book came  and I had no time to look at it and it sat on the dining room table until late evening.

Berryman, Homage to Anne BradstreetAs part of another long project on poetry history, I’ve been taking classes and reading American poetry anthologies and essays. Last week I started with the Harper American Anthology Vol. 1 and re-read Anne Bradstreet (America’s first poet). I decided it was probably time to read John Berryman’s long poem Homage to Mistress Bradstreet. So I found an affordable copy on Amazon for $2.00, $6.00 with shipping.

Sometimes it’s great to get a used book because it has a history of its own, maybe library bindings or marginalia from a prior owner. You can try to trace a previous reader’s thoughts through their comments. Sometimes you even get an inscription at the front or some random bookmarked page.

In this book I received yesterday, there was a pretty incredible letter stuck inside between two interesting poets, but also information pertaining to this essay itself!

The incredible things about this letter numerated as follows:

  1. The letter was from John Berryman (squeal!)Berryman envelope
  2. The letter was dated February 11, 1960, months after Berryman had published Homage to Mistress Bradstreet.
  3. The letter was addressed to the poet Henri Coulette.
  4. It’s hard to know but this copy of the Bradstreet book could be Henri Coulette’s which might explain why the letter was stuck inside the book.
  5. Henri Coulette was one of the poets in the amazing cohort at Berryman’s Iowa Writing Workshop (along with Philip Levine). Levine lists out the illustrious roster in his essay, “Mine Own John Berryman.”Berryman's student roster at Iowa Writers Workshop
  6. In the letter, Berryman mentions looking forward to a future visit with Coulette and also “that cut-up Phil Levine.”Berryman to Coulette Letter
  7. So there you have it, from John Berryman’s own mouth: Philip Levine was a funny mother-f**ker.

Big Bang Poetry Has Moved

Mary's dollhouse 2011Like this fragile dollhouse being shuttled from Lititz, Pennsylvania, to Santa Fe, New Mexico, back in 2011, Big Bang Poetry has moved.

It has taken a few more weeks but we’ve moved 3 of the 4 sites, the first being and then its sister-blog.

My own personal site will be the caboose on this journey, hopefully making the trip over the next month.

But I want to get back up and running with this site first. Come back in the next few days for a new essay or two or three.

The official working-through-my-stack-of-SLC-essays project will also resume shortly with some old essays I was set to complain about before this whole kerfuffle with the websites began last fall.

Stay tuned.


Time to Make a Move

It’s been a rocky year kids for reasons I can’t even begin to explain to you. But one of the final adversities this fall was the slow crashing of our dear webhost Typepad over the last three weeks, starting with their inability to display images on the site. Fortunately I was able to backup all (or most of) the many words but it’s been made clear by the downtime (and Typepad’s own homepage missive that they’re no longer taking new customers) that it’s time to move all the sites to more stable and supported pastures. That will take quite a bit of time and effort (and that’s after researching where we can even go). I don’t know if I’ll even be able to restore everything, but if not we can revisit old posts from time to time.

Brave new start.

So anyway I’ll be gone for a while which is kind of bummer considering I was within a shot put of finishing both the Cher TV shows and the Essay Project and was in the middle of a new set of Grammar poems.

The big irony here is that I had taken some time off blogging this fall (and off social media too, although I didn’t do as well with that). I had decided to just stop talking for a minute and start listening (but mostly just stop talking already). And when the weather changed last week I crafted some new posts about poets and madness, Cher's new Decades collection and a few other things that won’t see the light of day for a while.

Honestly, I’m one of the lucky ones in this hosting meltdown because at least I had most of my backups from 2007 and I’m not depending upon any of my words to eat. They’re provided free of charge. Since I’ve never felt this current life’s mission has been to make money or get ahead, I’m not suffering quite as much as some others at this time. (For anyone on Typepad who doesn’t have backups, try visiting, the Wayback Machine, and you can grab stuff there.) And Typepad most likely will stabilize again (fingers crossed) but this is a big wakeup call for us old-timers over there. And this whole experience just highlights how fragile an internet life can be and how it can all become destabilized and disappear overnight, just like Vint Cerf indicated all those many years ago when he warned us in a speech that a generation of intellectual property will probably be lost. Web companies come and go. The supports you take for granted can lose their way. It’s all part of the digital lifecycle.

It could be worse…always.

Which brings me back to my little goal of shutting up for five minutes. It might be longer than that. I will be taking this opportunity to watch one of my favorite movies, Into Great Silence. I will pretend to be a monk for a while until my little Chatty Cathy comes out again, which is inevitable.

In better news, ICANN has called everyone back into the office for the first time since they shut down in April of 2020. So oddly 2023 is feeling like what I expected 2020 was going to be. And that includes trips into the LA office starting January, during which I’ll see the Joan Didion exhibit at The Hammer Museum and will report back on that when the sites are all moved. This also means there will probably be no NaPoWriMo 2023 for me next year as I won’t likely be up and running by that time.

But there’s plenty of work for me offline and I hope to catch up with everyone down the line. I hope the rest of everyone’s year goes well and next year we can pick up with new books and fun Cher stuff. 

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