Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World

Category: Poetic Realities (Page 9 of 9)

Ultimate Dog Tease: Ultimate Poet Tease

DogteaseOne of the popular YouTube videos going around over the last few years is called "Ultimate Dog Tease."

You have to see this video. It is adorable.

It reminds me of what my boss used to tell me when I worked for those people who ran the Internet. If you think important stuff is happening out on the Internet, just remember the most popular pages are the ones that have these stupid pet videos.

As so it is true.

So in honor of the fact that this Ultimate Dog Tease is still one of the most popular videos on YouTube, I have created a script for Ultimate Poet Tease. And here it is:

Voice Over: Hey, little poet!

Poet: Yeah?

Voice Over: Guess what! The creative mind behind Ultimate Dog Tease took all his inspiration and craft and all his verbal dexterity…

Poet: Yeah?

Voice Over: …and used it to take a video of his dog vocalizing and overdub it with hilarious comments that sound like they're coming out of the dogs mouth!

Poet: Really?

Voice Over: Yeah. Why do you think people like that so much?

Poet: I dunno.

Voice Over: Do you think these videos are so popular because we love our pets more than we love our deep thoughts?

Poet: Probably.

Voice Over: And you know what?

Poet: What?

Voice Over: As of today, Ultimate Dog Tease has received over 121,949,862 hits.

Poet: Aaaawwwww!


I still love the video. But don't get me started about Talking Cat Turf War or Talking Beaver on the Highway.


Depressed Cat: Depressed Poet: Why Crabs Win

CatThe new rage on the Internets is this pic: Depressed Cat.

LOL Cats never get old, such fertile ground for creativity.

This one particularly relates to poets, not just because Beats and Hippies and Poets were once cool cats of a sort.

What am I doing with my lives? Indeed, a question any cat or Buddhist might be asking themselves.

Or any poet contemplating the reader comments on his latest workshopped poem.



Also found on Reddit, the following message and picture from "I tried to entice a crab out into the open with a pen. He disarmed me and stole it. This is the result."

I know. I know. He's probably a critic. The joke writes itself.



Top 10 Ways Kids Today Can Use Poetry: Halloween Edition

  1. Historical
    vampires, like
    Zombies Dracula, were lit snobs.
  2. Elton
    John’s lyricist Bernie Taupin started out as a poet. If you play your
    cards right you could become Lady Gaga’s next Bernie Taupin.
  3. Poems are perfectly crafted to be read:

    – on
    public transportation where interruptions occur  every seven to ten
    – as
    lullabies right before you go to sleep
    – or
    to step-up the quality of your bathroom reading

  4. If the
    pen is mightier than the sword, you could launch sarcastic limericks at
  5. Imagine
    a poetry reading with an audience full of teletubbies, MC’d by Barney.
  6. Haiku
    make great smartphone texts.
  7. Spells,
    charms, enchantments, curses, jinxes and incantations in Harry Potter are
    practically poems. Ask Hermione.
  8. Pedro
    will be writing political poems in college.
  9. This environmentally-friendly
    top ten list would probably be endorsed by Carrotmob if Carrotmob endorsed
    such things as lists.
  10. Poetry
    is good zombie food. 

Self-Publishing Poetry: First Things First

SpSo a week or so ago I spoke about why you might want to self-publish a book of poetry. Now I'm going to talk about the first few things I did to get my own project rolling.

Do Some Book Learnin'

First thing, I educated myself on what this bitch would entail: how to format a book, how to format an eBook, and what POD means. I would recommend these books to get your feet wet:

Self-Printed, The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing by Catherine Ryan Howard – Also self-published, this book is full of step-by-step, no-nonsense, tough-love advice. I couldn't have done what I'm doing without this book.

The Fine Print of Self-Publishing by Mark Levine This is a market study on most of the self-publishing services out there. You must read this book to know how to be a savvy shopper. I was able to avoid an overpriced, poor-quality offer from a local publisher because I had read this book.

Sell More Books!  by J. Steve Miller — This book is good for two reasons: one is that it is full of typos and layout disasters, which exemplifies, in every detail, the pitfalls of self-publishing. But like my grandfather once said, you can learn something even from from a fool. Which brings me to the second reason to like this book, although the production of it may suck, the marketing advise in this book is still very good.

— Find the latest book on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the latest book on social marketing. Internet rules change so fast, you need a book published no earlier than 2011.

Create a Publishing and Marketing Plan

Publishing entails a zillion details, so you need to make a to-do list. It all may look overwhelming but remember, as actor Sherman Hemsley taught me in one episode of Amen, you can eat an elephant one bite at a time.

You also need a separate marketing plan. All the how-to guides on self-publishing agree on this fact: you need some real educating in marketing to sell your book.

Assets, Companies, Permissions, Introductions

  1. Set up a website. You have to at least have a website if nothing else. You can do this for free on WordPress.
  2. Self-publishing is remarkably affordable to do these days. But most guides I've read recommend you spend some cash on three items: your profile photo, your book design, and an editor for your book. I found a professional photographer I knew, Stephanie Howard, to take my profile photos. I've also researched the book designer and editor I want to use. They say this is the most crucial aspect of your project, a respectable cover. It's worth paying for. And if Sell More Books! had hired an editor to catch all the typos, the book wouldn't seem like something done by an amateur.
  3. Most poets love to begin their poems with an introductory quote to give the poem some gravitas. But you can overdo it. When you publish, you need to make some hard choices with those quotes because, unless the quote is from a piece of work in the public domain, you will need to seek permission to use it from the original publisher. This could take up to eight weeks to obtain and you should be prepared to hear the answer No. Do your poems lean on these quotes like a crutch? You should be able to live without them. I have two quotes left in my manuscript and I'm still waiting to hear back from the respective publishers, Discover Magazine and HarperCollins.
  4. You don't have to start an LLC book company to self-publish, but you can if you want a creative logo on your book jacket or your own ISBN number (alternatively, you can use the ISBN  provided by CreateSpace or the POD-publisher of your choice). In New Mexico, it costs about $35 to form an LLC and $35 more to obtain a business licence.
  5. I also arranged to have my first poetry mentor write the introduction to my book. This was probably the most sentimental piece of the project so far. This person taught me (pretty much) everything I know about crafting poems. My first semester with him was truly life changing and I was honored he agreed to contribute to my first book.

Poetry Publishing Realities: Why I Decided to Self-Publish

Best-Evil-Wallpapers-4Yes, sometimes publishers, both big and small, seem like evil goblins. Especially if you're an unpublished poet. But I see even my well-published poet friends struggling to find continuing outlets for their new books. An this is a teaching moment: it doesn't get any better after your first book.

In fact, for the last six months I've been reading up on the publishing realities for both poets and novelists. And it ain't pretty. There are too many writers out here and just about zero readers, especially for poetry.

And this isn't the fault of a struggling small-press. Everyone is complicit in the problem.

The Reality for Small Presses

According to an editorial by Jeffrey Lependorf in Small Press Distribution, "the human race publishes a book every thirty seconds" and "most poetry titles are printed in runs of 250 to 1,000." Even a "healthy title" publishes under 2,000 books and that will be "the one and only print run for that book." So the best you can hope to sell from a small press book is 200 to 2,000 books. To put that in perspective, Billy Collins, our poetry superstar, has reportedly sold 200,000 books and some consider a novel to be a bestseller if it hits 10,000 copies sold. Most books of poetry published by small presses will come and go without selling many copies.

No Publishers Willing to Take Risks

Even novelists are struggling. Big publishers aren't taking risks with new authors right now. According to novelist David Carnoy, "vaunted old publishers like Houghton Mifflin have literally put the freeze on new acquisitions. In short, it's ugly out there." And big publishers are not taking new poets period. Poetry does not sell unless you are a name. It's wasted money for them when even their fiction and non-fiction titles aren't moving.

Poets for the last 10-15 years have been entering endless contests to get a book deal. Small presses don't have the funds to print their runs, so they've set up contests where all entrants provide $25 each to cover the cost of printing the winner's book. This has become virtually community publishing where the community raises the money for one poet's print run. This is not a bad thing, per se (it's good for your karma, I guess), but the system has become a dismal odds game for most writers, a game that will probably never result in anything substantial.

Because if you do find yourself, happy day, a winner of a small press contest, you'll be paid only $1000 to $3000 and have a very small run of books published. Eventually, you'll go out of print. You'll also get…

No Help Marketing

Even big publishers have stopped putting any marketing heft behind any but the already-bestselling authors. New authors at big publishers are having to self-market to get the word out about their new books, sometimes even hiring publicists. I just took a fiction class with a teacher who has a first book of fiction coming out this year. She had no website up and I asked her what her marketing plans were. She said she was leaving that all up to her small-press publisher and moving on with writing her next book. From what I've been reading, that's like plunging your head in the sand. It's denying the stark realities of publishing today.

Even getting a review is more challenging: according to Betsy Lerner, the publishing house editor who wrote The Forest for the Trees, "there are fewer venues and outlets for novelists" … The New York Times, Time and Newsweek are all scaling down their book reviews.

Published poets are telling me the same thing about marketing: they're getting no support from their presses, aside from the title being posted on the publisher's web site. Poets have an even steeper hill to climb to get out in front of all the novelists and self-help books. Marketing is something you must know how to do on your own…especially if you hope to sell a book to a stranger.

No Space in Bookstores

So even if you are a novelist and have a publisher, you have little hope of marketing support. On top of that, you have only a few months to make a splash at the bookstores. According to J. Steve Miller in his guide Sell More Books, bookstores only stock 25,000 titles; therefore, less than 1% of all books published by traditional publishers make it into bookstores. And if a new title in a bookstore doesn't sell right away, the unsold books get returned and never restocked.

Besides, the fact is big bookstores are all failing and closing. Mom-and-pop bookstores are still out there, but they have even less space for your little books of poems.

What This Means

So if all goes well for you in the world of poetry publishing, you'll win a small press contest. But then what? This will not get you many books printed, let alone an unlimited print run; this will not get you any marketing support or expertise; this will not get you any reviews; this will not get you into a bookstore. Ever. You will have the prestige of seeing your book on your shelf but you will not sell many books and you won't make any money on the books that do sell.

Is Self-Publishing for You

That doesn't necessarily mean self-publishing is for you. If you are not interested in actively marketing your book or taking on the stress of learning all the details of producing your own book, you are better off sticking with contests or lamenting the state of things like a true martyr and waiting for the world to start spinning the other way.

Of course, I would love to have an existing publisher take care of producing a book on my behalf. This would definitely give me more street cred; however, I think my Do-it-Yourself mentality might come in handy here in the new technology age. After all, I taught myself HTML back in 1997 and have been producing web zines for many years. In 2000, I taught myself how to create my own Cher zines with self-publishing software.

Print-on-Demand paperbacks and eBooks have given us the tools to create our own books and sell them on big online booksellers, where most people are buying their books now anyway. Print on Demand means your book will be available forever and you will receive a higher percentage of the sales. And with self-published books, you can work on marketing your book for your entire life.

But you'll have to work for it. Especially to rise above the din of badly-produced POD books already out there. But if you have a good work ethic and take the time to learn how to do it, you might do better than traditional publishing. Self-publishing success stories are out there, even for poets. Even before POD, Walt Whitman famously self published. William Faulkner also self-published poems and plays.

It's not hopeless. Hell, I've sold more than 500 Cher zines. Here's how I see it: I can start with a book of poetry to learn how to do it, see how it goes. If I fail miserably, I'll have learned all about formatting a book, designing its elements, coordinating its production and the most important lessons on how to market a book.

In the next few weeks, I'll start talking about how how I got started and how I'm getting it done. It's been thrilling and sometimes aggravating but definitely well worth trying.


The graphic above is from Evil Wallpapers at

The Poems on Mars Project: Using Poems for Research Projects

FuturepoetryreadersLook at them. Students. They look so happy and studious. The great thing about students is they still read; and I believe they are poetry's last salvation.

We've already discussed how poets don’t buy poetry. I was recently discussing this issue with Rosemary on a LinkedIn group.

We talked about how self defeating it was for poets to be frugal in their purchases of poetry books. I've come to believe poets are a bad market for poetry. From a marketing perspective, writers of poetry are not prolific consumers. Unfortunately, this shapes (as Rosemary mentioned) the quality of their poetry. It sadly shapes the entire poetry market as well.

But it is what it is. One thing I mentioned earlier was tagging. If book buyers searching on Amazon can find books on topics they want to read about, even if those topics are found in poetry books, this might result in a purchase of poetry from a non-poetry lover.

This Monday at a poetry reading, I heard some very raw, personal poems from a man with Parkinson's disease. If a book of poetry on the subject of Parkinson's was found online by another sufferer, a family caretaker, or a student doing research on the subject from the fields of social work, medicine or psychology—they might buy that book.

Students in particular would find poetry a valuable resource in their research projects. Poetry could serve research projects in helping students shape and outline their ideas by:

  1. Providing unique quotations to open research papers;
  2. Offering first-hand testimonials on difficult topics: researchers often need testimonials to support their ideas and poems from cancer survivors, abuse survivors, immigrants, (topics are endless), all provide freely-given, undiluted, honest accounts of their experiences;
  3. Framing their topics in a new, often metaphorical, way.

By using poetry as a research tool, many students could be exposed to poetry who normally would not see the use of it. And some of those students might get hooked on verse for life.

Talk to teachers about using poetry for research.

It is our action item to advertise poetry beyond poets and literature readers. Can you think of any other groups of readers who might need poetry?

The Poems on Mars Project: Tagging

John-carter-of-mars-frazzettaIf this painting by Frank Frazzetta depicts our future life on Mars, should not the image have a book of poetry in there somewhere?

Indeed it should…but the only way we will ensure our libraries of poetry books will make it through the great planetary migration will be for us to ensure poetry is relevant today. We must make sure these books make it into the United Van Lines space trucks and not on top of the earthly Goodwill piles.

The first thing we must do it to make sure all of earth's books of poetry are search-able and findable to purchase on the Internet.

Tag a book of poetry today! Tag your own books. Tag the books of your friends. Tag the books of your favorite poets.

How do you do this?

  1. Choose a book
  2. Make a list of all the topics the book's poems cover (marigolds, metro stations, experiences of immigration, oppression in Pakistan, drinking beer)
  3. Visit that books page on Amazon. Note: even if you hate the big bookseller, little mom-and-pop and used bookstores sell their books via Amazon too. Like it or not Amazon has become our repository for information about locating books.
  4. If you love the book, add a customer review that contains your subject words.
  5. Search for the section that says "Tag this Product" and click "Explore Product Tags." You might get an error page, but just hit your back button on your browser if that happens. The tagging section will expand.
  6. Check the check-boxes next to any existing tags you agree with and then add your own. You can add up to 15 tags per book.
  7. Don't tag books on the day you receive any rejection letters or bad reviews. Vengeful or obsene tags will be removed by Amazon.

If people can't find poetry, they won't buy poetry or read poetry. Tagging will help everyone find these oft-pass-over books! Tag a book or more a week!

Who Buys Poetry?

ReaderThis is a painting of The Reader by Fragonard. How nice for her. No American Horror Story episodes to keep on top of.

This pretty lady may have been a poetry buyer circa 1732 to 1806, but I would almost bet my last franc she wasn't a poet. Because I don't know who buys books of poetry now, but it ain't poets. I've been to twenty years of poetry readings and the little stack of books the poet puts out never sells. I've even asked my poet friends at these readings, "Are you gonna buy the book?" Even if they loved the poems, they usually say, "No, I'm broke and the book is 15 bucks. I'll find it at the library or buy it used on Amazon."

And the truth is my poet friends are broke. But if the people writing poetry and wishing to publish poetry to sell aren't buying it (and we pretty much know no one else is buying it), we're all in trouble. Big trouble.

Imagine a broke musician saying that. You can't, because the don't. People in broke bands still have huge record collections in their dumpy apartments. Because the force of their mad love of their art form compels them to keep buying albums they love, even if they have to go without dinner, even if they have to eat at Dennys. That's why they're all so skinny.

Poets used to be skinny.

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