So much insanity this week and last. I've made it through two weeks of boss-gone coverage. Did some stress eating. Went to see the movie It.  I am looking forward to getting away soon, getting back into the routine. 

The Prompt: Letting Go

This week's prompt:

"Let go or be dragged."
        – Zen Proverb

First task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing


My Haiku

…inspired by my drawing (which I have to admit I copied from another design online):

Sitting and waiting:
Is it holding on or
Is it letting go?

The Reflection

This is great advice and I love this quote. So true. Tough love. And yet…am I the only one who has trouble getting to 100% on this? It's hard to know when is the time to give up before quitting too soon. If you someone who has a tendency to quit too soon, you know what I mean. Where is the line between an endurance run and futility?

There's plenty for me to let go of (mistakes I've made, stupid things I've said, fussy judgments I have)…but what about the good stuff about being dragged: on a sled, when you're being rescued, in a tickle fight…

Half the time I'm just winging it. And I worry about it; but maybe I need to let go of that?


Now your turn.