Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World

Month: September 2019

52 Haiku, Week 31

20190927_124753This week was pretty mellow. Taking a class. Getting reading done. Did some weeding. Just came back from lunch with old work friends. Nothing spectacular and yet spectacular things all around.




The Prompt: Being Judgey

This week's prompt:

"Wise men don't judge–they seek to understand."
        – Wei Wu Wei

First task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing


My Haiku

…inspired by my drawing (which I have to admit I copied from another design online):

The song of the depths
are echoing the shallows
Of bullfrogs and birds

The Reflection

Another challenging prompt. You have to judge something: like murderers and the Holocaust. But do we need singing, cooking and camping competitions?

My drawing this week was a cryptic homage to The Voice which is far less judgey than some things out there. But it's whole existence is to pass judgement. I can be very judgey. I learned how to do it from a friend of mine and then years and years of practice. It's addictive because it gives you the space to pontificate, which is, let's face it, kinda fun. I even used to love judgey zines, whose whole point of being was to judge (hence the transgression joy of them), like Beer Frame, a zine which wrote judgey letters to junk food companies. Another one I loved was The Curmudgeon' Home Companion, a small two page newsletter of grumpiness with recipes. Food and judgey seem to always go together. 

Anyway, like anything else, it's good to practice this stuff in moderation.


Judge away.

52 Haiku, Week 30

I loved this week! So happy to be back to my day-to-day job and I got so much done! It was lovely. Pot of Gold. Check.    

The Prompt: Pot of Gold

This week's prompt:

"When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you."
        – Lao Tzu

First task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing


My Haiku

…inspired by my drawing (which I have to admit I copied from another design online):

Through the fog of want:
the turret and golden leaves.
You're already there

The Reflection

I love the Kool Aid guy…enough to inspire my pop of gold face. And it's almost egregious that when they say "don't drink the kool aid," they're really talking about the sinister poison of propaganda disguised within the innocent sugary drink. Arms akimbo, he's really a sassy little pitcher.


Now your turn.

52 Haiku, Week 29

So much insanity this week and last. I've made it through two weeks of boss-gone coverage. Did some stress eating. Went to see the movie It.  I am looking forward to getting away soon, getting back into the routine. 

The Prompt: Letting Go

This week's prompt:

"Let go or be dragged."
        – Zen Proverb

First task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing


My Haiku

…inspired by my drawing (which I have to admit I copied from another design online):

Sitting and waiting:
Is it holding on or
Is it letting go?

The Reflection

This is great advice and I love this quote. So true. Tough love. And yet…am I the only one who has trouble getting to 100% on this? It's hard to know when is the time to give up before quitting too soon. If you someone who has a tendency to quit too soon, you know what I mean. Where is the line between an endurance run and futility?

There's plenty for me to let go of (mistakes I've made, stupid things I've said, fussy judgments I have)…but what about the good stuff about being dragged: on a sled, when you're being rescued, in a tickle fight…

Half the time I'm just winging it. And I worry about it; but maybe I need to let go of that?


Now your turn.

52 Haiku, Week 28

This week my boss is on vacation and I've been the boss. It has not been fun. Lots of wheels coming off this wagon. Well, not really but…it's been intense. This week's reflection was really helpful…everything is a brief flash of what it is and that's all (except actual tragedy, which this week falls way short of). I am not, however, a horse bred for intensity. I'm a meadow horse. I'm a lazy horse. 

The Prompt: Bubble in a Stream

Again this week's prompt is the last one from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. Thank you book for inspiring this project and getting us this far.

"Think in this way of all this fleeting world:
As a star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A dewdrop, a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream."
        – The Diamond Sutra

First task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

20190905_181534 (1) 20190905_181534 (1)

My Haiku

…inspired by my drawing(s):

All the coupling ands
A chain of exuberance
Shining, lighting out.

The Reflection

So it turns out, untutored a dew drop is damn hard for me to draw. I give you two of three pages of my attempts. I was struck by the ands in this Diamond Sutra: all the things AND a dream. How wonderful. 


What do you make of it?

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