This week was pretty mellow. Taking a class. Getting reading done. Did some weeding. Just came back from lunch with old work friends. Nothing spectacular and yet spectacular things all around.
The Prompt: Being Judgey
This week's prompt:
"Wise men don't judge–they seek to understand."
– Wei Wu Wei
First task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.
The Drawing
My Haiku
…inspired by my drawing (which I have to admit I copied from another design online):
The song of the depths
are echoing the shallows
Of bullfrogs and birds
The Reflection
Another challenging prompt. You have to judge something: like murderers and the Holocaust. But do we need singing, cooking and camping competitions?
My drawing this week was a cryptic homage to The Voice which is far less judgey than some things out there. But it's whole existence is to pass judgement. I can be very judgey. I learned how to do it from a friend of mine and then years and years of practice. It's addictive because it gives you the space to pontificate, which is, let's face it, kinda fun. I even used to love judgey zines, whose whole point of being was to judge (hence the transgression joy of them), like Beer Frame, a zine which wrote judgey letters to junk food companies. Another one I loved was The Curmudgeon' Home Companion, a small two page newsletter of grumpiness with recipes. Food and judgey seem to always go together.
Anyway, like anything else, it's good to practice this stuff in moderation.
Judge away.