So this week has been a really needed and fortunate time of just collecting myself for what comes ahead. And I feel it's helping me intellectually catch up. My brain has space to think again! (manic weeping ensues!)

The Prompt: Space

Again this week's prompt comes from the Zen by the Brush book by Myoshi Nancy O'Hara. 

"Snail at my feet-
Open space between two thoughts.
Where did you come from."

And again, first task is to sit for a meditation on that for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel is good to you.

The Drawing

I had trouble focusing on one drawing this week. This is why sumi-e ink is much better for this exercise. No backsies or redos! 













My Haiku

…inspired by the drawing. 

Ephemeral thing
Floating profoundly through.
Old thoughts collect snow.

The Reflection

I was reading the prompt and thinking of thoughts like clouds. They can only flow through were there is space between solid things.

This also reminded me of the creative process and a video my Digital Storytelling class watched last week about the mental processes of creativity.


Now your turn.