Reinventing the Life of a Poet in the Modern World

Month: April 2015

Poetry in O, The Star, NPR

OAmerican Poets magazine has a Walt Whitman essay by Mark Doty and in their annual report, they discuss a poetry reading they hosted recently called Poetry and the Creative Mind which they say tracks the influence of poetry on readers from other disciplines. I hope we get a report on that someday. I think it melds well with the Poetry on Mars project here on BBP, to get poetry into the hands of researchers in order to provide practical subject-based backup, a kind of laser-like focus on a topic, or further testimonial evidence to a study.

I went to Red River a few weeks ago and left all my books at home. I was forced to visit the bookstore of a mega-chain in order to find some reading material for the weekend. If you’ve been in a Target you know that they have at least 2 aisles of books. Let me just say Walmart has a lousy book section. There was less than a quarter of an aisle of reading material in there! But then I guess plebs aren’t getting under paid to read.

The April issue of O Magazine features National Poetry Month. The article is called "Why Poetry Matters." Former us poet laureate Natasha Trethewey opens up the discussion with this content: “In an era of sensory overload, there is stillness and clarity to be found in verse.” She goes on to elaborate how in poetry she found a “place to place grief.” Poetry, she says, also provides us with community, it shows us to ourselves, it acts as refuge, and serves to continue a cultural legacy.

Laura Kasischke, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award says poetry can be “understood in parts of our brain that appreciate sounds, or smell.” This section also included prompts from The Poet Tarot Deck (from two sylvias press).  What Oprah magazine article would be complete without product promo? I’m snide but you know I’m going to buy this as soon as I can scrape up fifty dollars.

There are also six short book reviews and reviews of two poet memoirs.

A friend of mine recently purchased for me a gift subscription to the tabloid magazine The Star. Inside there’s that good ole National Amateur Poetry Competition advertisement. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this sucker.

By the way, here is a handy list of writing contests to avoid: (their own site’s contests might be best avoided as well).

News and articles

From my colleges

Here is a CNM article on slam poet champion, writer, TEDx presenter, teacher, dedicated activist, mother, CNM tutor, and now Albuquerque’s newest poet laureate, Jessica Helen Lopez.

A University of Missouri-St. Louis blog post: Bilingual poet’s second collection shifts to second language

National Poetry Month

“Read This Poem” project to usher in National Poetry Month  (SF Gate)

President Obama on why poetry matters (Yahoo!)

Poet booths in subways: Bespoke Poetry Hits The Subways With Peanuts-Inspired "The Poet Is In" (The Gothamist)


Gary Snyder (NPR)

James Merrill (Bend Bulletin)

Patti Smith Punk Poet Laureate (The Guardian)


Video poetry: Red Riding Hood Revisisted:


Meet Poet Sherman Alexie

AlexieI haven’t made a post recently on poetry I've been reading. This is because I’ve been mired in New Mexico poetry anthologies. Report coming soon!  

I visited the local CNM library in search of New Mexico poets. Didn’t find any. But I did find many Sherman Alexie works. Alexie is not a New Mexican poet but he is an American Indian poet from the Spokane tribe located in Washington state. Although Spokane is very different from the tribes of southwestern New Mexico, he does provide both profound and humorous insight into the American Indian Experience. I started with the oft recommended children’s novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. As described, it was excellent and a perfect place to start with Alexie if you’re a confused gringo. Truly, if you’re looking for Indian perspectives you have millions of alternatives. Natalie Diaz is a very hot Mohave poet right now. Joy Harjo is a perennial favorite of mine. But just check out this Wikipedia list.

I’m becoming really attached to Alexie in fact and the well-rounded way he talks about race reminds me of Richard Wright (just perused Richard Wright’s collection of haiku at the library). Like Wright, Alexie knows how to balance the complexities of race by using both good and bad characters from all sides. Good white people and bully white people. Good Indians and bully Indians.  And the badness that ensues when trying and failing to be good.

Similar Alexie stories occur in poems, short stories and the novels, like Grandma’s stolen powwow regalia which shows up in An Absolutely True Diary and in short stories from the collection Ten Little Indians. An Indian mother singing Donna Fargo’s "Happiest Girl in the USA" is another story that shows up in different fiction and poems.

The poems in One Stick Song (2000) are also a good introduction to Alexie with poems like "Unauthorized Biography of Me," "An Incomplete List of People I Wish Were Indian," "The Mice War," "Sex in Motel Rooms," "Powwow Love Songs." In his stories and poems, Alexie can describe both Rez life and city life. What I like about his poems, they’re all different in tone and format.  

The Business of Fancydancing,  (1992), contains poems that are a little rougher. But worth reading are "War All the Time," " Misdemeanors," "Missing," "The Reservation Cab Driver," and "Giving Blood." Alexi is good at setting the scene and giving you a tight kick in the pants.

Diary Ten One


Poetry as Usability


For work I’ve been reading both marketing and usability studies and essays on user interface design. A common idea across all of these areas is the trend toward creating more scannable content. This is primarily because users come to software and Internet pages to accomplish tasks, not to be entertained or enlightened.

Speed readers grab what they need and go! Designers use bolding and other tricks to help people scan a page. I see myself doing it when I come across a list of marketing tips. I scan for the main points and read further where I need to.

I can feel the knuckles crunching on the hands of writing academics, their blood pressure rising to a steam. Is quality reading losing the battle? Reading poetry takes attention. It’s the antithesis of scanning. It’s slow reading.

Monsieur Big Bang and I are also listening to The History of the English Language podcast with Kevin Stroud.  In one episode he describes Old English Scops (or poets) who were once happily employed traveling to villages providing poem-casts of the latest news. Back then, poets were charged with keeping the news flowing in a time when nobody could read or write. Rhyming provided ways of understanding and memorizing that news. Truly, poets were the social media of their day. We’re fine with that right? Well then…check your self-serving diatribes about social media at the door.

Communication efficiency in the old days was good if it served poets. Is language efficiency bad now because poets are left out?  Culture changes and therefore communication changes.  Society is doing what it needs to do. This doesn’t mean that poetry should be eradiated from communication. It just means we won’t use it the way we previously did. Poems are not for distributing the news anymore. They’re for meditative moments, considered protests and language inquiry. Poems are not scannable; but wait, here comes the next experimental poem exploring scannability! Wait for it!


Hard Times for Poets: Quotes and Stories to Keep You Going

FauklknerSome quotes to keep you hanging in there as a writer when you feel like giving up!

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

“Fall down seven times, get up eight!” –  Japanese Proverb

“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away many small stones.” –  Confucius again!



And some more ridiculous reviews:

 “The final blowup of what was once a remarkable, if minor, talent.”

–  Clifton Fadiman, The New Yorker on Absolom, Absolum! by William Faulkner, 1936

 “…a book of the season only…”

–  New York Herald Tribune  

“The Great Gatsby falls into the class of negligible novels”
–  Springfield Republican on The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1925

“Monsieur Flaubert is not a writer.” 

– La Figaro on Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert 1857


From Bill Henderson's Rotten Reviews


Poetry Magazine, Poetry in Mainstream News (April)


I've been subscribing to Poetry magazine this year. I can't say I'm completely enjoying my first few issues but April 2015 has much to recommend in it. The issue is dedicated to hip hop poetry and I enjoyed almost every poem.  Nate Marshall lists a 7-point blueprint for BreakBeat writing and Kenneth Goldsmith's conceptual manifesto ends the issue. Good fodder for discussion on what poetry is supposed to do. There are some truths in there, some narcissisms and quite a few contradictions.

I'm busy working on my NaPoWriMo pieces. Met a few new poets over there. Hello Poetry has gotten into NaPoWriMo in 2015.



Poetry In Mainstream News

Cat Poetry

Charles Bukowski’s Unpublished Cat Literature Can Be Yours In October (Flavorwire)


“I Am Not a Nature Poet”: Why Robert Frost Is So Misunderstood (Flavorwire)

2I love it when my blog obsessions overlap. In 1975 Brit Pop Star David Essex appeared on Cher's solo TV show (YouTube). Now he's released a book of poetry, Travelling Tinker Man & Other Rhymes. (The Independent)'

Charles Simic Displays a Poet’s Voice and His Passions (The New York Times review)

Tomas Tranströmer died last month at the age of 83

Poetry Drama

Stepson of poet Anne Cluysenaar receives life sentence for her murder (The Guardian)

Poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti laments changing San Francisco (PBS NewsHour)

The new Maya Angelou stamp quotes Joan Walsh Anglund by mistake (People Magazine)

Making Poetry Vibrant (and Not Complaining)

Miami poet R.M. Drake reinvigorates enthusiasm for poetry through Instagram (Miami Herald)

No One Cares About Poetry? Right. Check Out China's Vibrant Scene (1,200 years later, is Chinese poetry entering a new golden age?) (PRI)

'Sidewalk Poetry' Project To Take Literature To Cambridge Streets—Literally (The Artery)

Gentleman Poet’s Hunt & Light Kickstarts New Poetry Book (Dan's Papers)

Remembering Peggy Freydberg, a 107-Year-Old Poet Whose Career Was Just Getting Started (Vanity Fair)

Take a Poet to Lunch in April (My San Antonio)


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